A system where 90% of us work long hours at stupid jobs to line the pockets of some stupid rich CEO who doesn't deserve it.
capitalism sucks
-another 9-5 worker
To self enourage some one to work themselves to death for the bread crums of society. Whilst some one beyond the corporations scoffs at the wrong loaf.
Capitalism: Oh mr.smith worked so hard for his capitalistic ideas, but yet inflation got the better of him in the end.
Far-right dictatorship that defends the rich getting richer and only the poor becoming miserable through exploitation. Causing millions of deaths.
Illicit profit and enrichment from the exploitation of the environment and forced labor.
I am against capitalism.
Capitalism is the thing you discuss with a random stranger at Chillox.
"Do you mind if I sit and talk to you about capitalism, random stranger at Chillox?"
a system where everyone wins but you because you're you and- and- c a p i t a l i s m
capitalism is.. something
Capitalism is perpetuated by the oh so mighty upper class elite so the lower classes don't get too cocky and want "Human Rights" and "Fair Wages" Whatever that junk is.
Capitalism is the best!, I can pay them a fraction of my employees worth and they cant do anything about it!