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Cute Asian girl that is low key a bitch who is stubborn as shit and never knows when she is wrong.

Oh Chloe? She’s cute but soooo bitchy!

by Stupidcunt123 December 3, 2018

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Chloe is the most wonderful amazing girl ever! She is like a beautiful star. Chloe is very nice to everyone, just don't get on her bad side because she has a strong kick. legs apart at 30 degrees and... *ouch* but if you are on her good side she is a wonderful person. a Chloe has legs for days and a wonderful ass and tits that she uses to sleep with rich guys for money. she is a slut, but don't we all like her?

Guy: omg, dat ass!
Guy 2: that's Chloe
Guy: wow...

by oceanbabe95 February 21, 2017

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Chloe is the crackhead friend you never knew you needed also very friendly to many different people thinks of other before there self very athletic and can also be competitive when in a game or competition can be a teachers pet sometimes. Always knows the tea but never is in it . Energetic especially at night the pretty one in the group but always denies it.

so of you have a Chloe cherish them cause they are an amazing friend/ person

by Nigger_toes_fuck October 23, 2019

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A really nice, funny girl. Who loves to hang out with her friends

Omg she is always with her friends. What a chloe

by Danni129 May 9, 2018

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Every Chloe always HAD a group of four but then the whole group realized she was a bitch and left her to dust. Every Chloe has stank breath and is really touchy. Even with all these bad qualities Chloes can be good girlfriends to their sexually abusive boytoy.

watch out Chloe is coming to steal yo man.

by Hayeshater69 May 2, 2020

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Chloe is the most amazing person you will ever meet she is the bestest friend you could ever have she will stay with u through thick and thin even if u are apart, and if u are a boy that has not yet realised that the girl that’s probably right for u because she is hot and cute afff she has the best body and and even better personality and if u aren’t dating Chloe your stupid man anyway Chloe isn’t really all about the boys not lik every other girl these days Chloe is sweet, real and is down to earth she is all about keeping her bonds strong especilly if u mean something to her... she lets u know x

Look at her friendship with chloe I wish I had a friendship like that

Danm look at chloe she has the best body out of all these stupid girls but she just doesn’t show off because she’s real and the only sweet one here

by Holly.13xoxo January 28, 2019

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she is a wonderful girl who has a kind heart but sometimes struggles with her self esteem and confidence. it comes and goes she can be the happiest and most grateful but then she turns insecure and unsure of everything around her. she sometimes is scared about her relations with people as she feels like people don't like her or find her annoying. she is very loyal but only if you are. shes like karma. she only a bitch is you are. she is very capable of loving but you dont want to get on her bad side as she is also very capable of hating you. she will trust you but if you break her trust she will find it difficult to trust you again. you may see this as her being rude and disrespectful but she is actually insecure and was hurt by your actions and is scared of feeling the hurt again. she is also very beautiful in and out and she can be wierd and crazy. her personality is amazing and her advise is the best. she has a love for all animals. she likes talking about controversial subjects and it is a must or her to get her opinion across. she hates being pinned down and not listened to. she has a loving heart even after going through alot of bad times. overall chloe is an amazing girls whos personality an adaptation skills are amazing, she is very beautiful even though she doesnt allways see it.

boy 1: guess what her name is closes wins!
boy 2: i know for sure

boy 1 : what how

boy 2: its a chloe shes beautiful and confident and she looks friendly and is smiling at everyone around her, genuine or not shes trying to make people happy.
boy 1: wow
boy 3: hes right you know
chloe: hi im chloe

boy 2: starts crushing hard
boy 1: wow

by ilikepuppys April 21, 2020

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