Defintion for a low intelligent organism, which is only able to discuss matter in (freaking) Japanse nationalism
A wack ass Asian kid from the sewage that the ninja turtles came from and he can’t see through his eyes cus they’re as small as his dic-... he’s pretty short but he’s a good friend.
“Zingy Ching Chong? Where is he? I can’t see him... ohhh he’s right next to me.”
this word is 'Hello' in Chinese.
"skippitydop Ching Chong who are you."
A meme were a Vietnamese tree soldier hunts Americans in Vietnam down and turns them into flesh pancakes.
American: a good day to take down some Vietnamese soldiers
Vietnamese tree soldier: ching chong your existence is gone
American: fuck this shit I'm out
Vietnamese tree soldier: *turns American into flesh pancake*
Vietnamese tree soldier: looks like my work here is done
a Vietnam war meme were an American gets turned into flesh pancake when Vietnamese tree soldier shoots him
American: Ah what a normal day destroying some Vietnamese soldiers.
Vietnamese tree soldier: ching chong your existence is gone
American: fuck this shit I'm out
Vietnamese tree soldier: *turns American into flesh pancake before he could frun*
Vietnamese tree soldier: looks like my work here is done
So fucking stoned that you look Asian
Lois is so chonged she looks like Jackie chan