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copping it sweet

where someone else does the work and you get the benefit.

Look at Jonny!, he's sat on his arse while someone else put's up his tent, 'Yeah he's copping it sweet.'

by chris wharton August 14, 2008

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cop goggles

When you drive passed a cop and your focus turns from driving to keeping your eye on where the cop is going.

"I get freaked out around cops, man. Everytime I see one when I'm driving I get cop goggles. I almost hit another car this morning because of it."

by Akarya May 10, 2007

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cop's grab

Grabbing whatever you want. When a policeman walks by a fruit stand and grabs an apple, that is a "cop's grab."

With all the left overs after Christmas Day every meal was a cop's grab.

by manhattanDAD December 26, 2009

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Cop out

when someone backs out from a responsibility or commitment because they're lazy or don't want to. The first simple definition that came to mind. To remember it, think of it this way: An angry Karen complains at the nearest police office(don't why but just for this ex.). The officer there named Jerry doesn't want to deal with that rn and leaves. He tells his trustworthy friend, officer Bob, "I'm out"...or in this case since he's a popo(slang for police), "COP OUT".

Even though Officer Jerry's shift wasn't over, Officer Bob still let Jerry cop out on dealing with the Karen bringing her problems to the police station because he's a good a friend. Kudos to him

by HE :) WHO WRITES April 18, 2021

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cop mop

getting head; derives from the way that a girls hair looks when u look down at it when shes giving u head...like a mop

yo nigga, last i copped the ill mop from some spanish bitch

by the ny kid January 26, 2005

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cop doctor

A type of person or profession who appears on CBS dramas.

My mom always see "cop doctor" show on CBS.

by World Business Satelite January 23, 2015

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Cop a Sunday

To hit or punch a person by surprise, quickly and very hard. Also known as a sucker punch cowards punch.

Cop a sunday Yesterday I was with Tom and while he was taking a piss Luke copped a sunday on him.

by GOD of LIGHT March 21, 2016

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