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couple squad

a couple squad is when you and your friends couples go to the cinema come back and have a cluster fuck after that they swap couples and keep doing this process until they end up with their desired couple

mum there was a amazing couple squad today

by oafandahalf April 6, 2016

Strangle couple

An old couple who tries to block progress by forcing their children to stick to tradition

My parents are a classic strangle couple; they threatened to write me out of the will if I become an environmentalist instead following my dad into the family business.

by wingit4me February 6, 2009

meanie couple

the perfect paring in seventeen, a couple who must hide their relationship from the world but still expresses their cuteness and affection torwards each other

"the meanie couple has a special place in my heart"
"i ship the meanie couple so hard"

by taeggukie March 7, 2017

Coupled Science

Coupled Science is the secret connection or coupling of scientific institutions, individuals and scientific data to a governmental body or organization. The intent is to influence society to react or think in a specific way desired by the governmental body or organization. Coupled Science outlets can be segmented so that only specific segments are under the control of a governmental body or organization. Coupled Science organizations and individuals are used to bend science (lie) to fit the desires of a governmental body or organization. These scientific segments are often paid to come up with the desired results.

Under extreme duress caused by a large salary and under pain of death the coupled science person proudly declared the world is flat.

by WorldWantsPlastic January 9, 2018

three way couple

there is a boy that two girls like and he likes them both

he is in a three way couple

by weiami October 3, 2017

skater couple

They are the two kids who share earbuds, tease each other in the halls, and basically act like a couple. They like to skateboard, and often do it together. Not the most popular couple, but are known by others. They overall seem like really cool people, and look awesome together.

Person 1: Yo did you see that skater couple?
Person 2: Yeah. They looked really cool.

by rootbeer&icecream December 8, 2017

Cam Couple

Similar to a cam girl these couples or sex partners are a team internet models characterized by sporadic-to-frequent photograph updates via an automatic webcam. Generally speaking, the pictures tend to be together. They are skilled in voyeurism and like camgirls usually have a blog and at least a minimal website. Often, they will branch out into other related ventures, including private shows, chat sessions, members-only sites with higher quality media, streaming shows, and the like.

Happycamcouple defined the Twitter hashtag #camcouple.

I logged onto Skype to watch them and tipped the cam Couple $500 for doing exactly as I requested.

by Happy Cam Couple July 30, 2018