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Likened to the dreaded Freshman 15, the 15 pounds of weight you gain in the first year of college, the COVID-19 is the 19 pounds of weight you can expect to gain from sheltering in place and stress eating during a pandemic. You gain the COVID-19 when FedEx delivers the delicious prepared meals you ordered for the week and you're so bored you eat them all by Tuesday. You gain the COVID-19 when, finally, you eat up all the damn cans of beans you hoarded in March 2019 because you've been out of work so long you can't afford any new food.

I used to be celery, but after gaining the COVID-19 I'm a 🍐.
Have you seen Karen? She looks like she's strapped two 10-pound beef briskets to her arse, she gain the COVID-19.
After six months of sweat pants, Netflix and Funyuns, Stephen tried to put on jeans but soon realized he too had gained the COVID-19 when his pants button shot off across the room like a bullet.

by Sygh January 29, 2021


When someone bails from social interaction. They don't want it to sound personal, but they really don't have a better excuse.

Hey man is your wife's boyfriend coming over for pizza? Nah he found out I'd be there and he COVID-19ed.

by babygress June 4, 2020

Hangover Covid

Hangover Covid (COVID aka Coronavirus Disease) is a symptom one experiences the morning after getting blackout drunk similar to a regular hangover and may subside for a few days. It's most common in people who think they had COVID but most certainly did not, and are now telling everyone they know that they survived the most infectious disease of 2020. Generally done for no other reason that to make an excuse that why felt slightly sick or to impress their peers.

"Yo, I got blackout drunk with my buddies from out of town and the next day I swear I had COVID."
"Did you take a test?"
"Nah but my headache lasted a few days and my nose was stuffed up for a bit."

"Bro you had hangover covid."

by cheesyfeet December 4, 2020

Covidally Correct

Adj; marked by or adhering to scientific & medical recommendations pertaining to decreasing the spread of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Most of the attendees at the Trump rally & RNC weren't Covidally Correct with the lack of face masks & close seating

by A1one August 28, 2020

Covid McDaniel

John McDaniel was a protest organizer during the 2020 covid-19 pandemic who died from the very same virus he was he was outraged by protections against.
A modern Typhoid Mary. Though there are no statistics at this time how many people he may have had in contact with while asymptomatic.

The outraged man at the grocery store was a real covid McDaniel, yelling about how wearing a mask is a violation of his rights.

by GroceryGirl May 12, 2020

Covid Worthy

During the Pandemic, people had no choice but to remain home, often alone. Singles looked through dating apps hopefully to meet someone, yet the anxiety of meeting a mate was so high they needed to exceed normal expectations to risk a in person date or physical encounter. If a guy or gal was so hot, you would drop your anxiety about being infected by a deadly virus just to have sex, means that person was Covid Worthy. Ie they are so hot, it's worth the risk of getting Covid just for a shot. This is a play on the Sienfeld episode where Elaine had to decide if her new boyfriend was "Sponge Worthy" due to the scarcity of the today sponge being taken off the market.

I would have left the house for her, That chic was totally Covid Worthy!

by PinkySwirl April 2, 2021

Covid shuffle

While too sick from covid-19 to move, but still horny. Two partners spoon and barely move while having sex.

Jimmy was so tired but still horny. He got Ginger to back her bus up while they got it on doing the Covid shuffle.

by Chriscape April 16, 2020