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Cringe Lorde

One who acts in an extremely cringey way. May also post cringey photos or say cringey things.

Corey Downs is the ultimate cringe Lorde.

by Weirdindianguy October 9, 2019

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sweat cringe

The emotion felt when you walking along and someone with really sweaty arms brushes past any part of your skin

usually happens on a hot day and the result is you feel like screaming and shouting at the dude who may have done it accidently but you don't care - cos it was gross.

Plus you don't feel like wiping it with your hands or shirt... cos then you would just be spreading the sweat somewhere else.

It was a hot day and Lucy was on the bus holding to the handle when an overweight sweaty gentlemen came onto the bus. he tried to edge past Lucy but due to the nature of his size, brushed her arm as he went past. Hence lucy got a nice healthy portion of sweat all over her arms, and a sweat cringe ensued.

by London_guitarist August 10, 2010

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Master Cringe

A mysterious man I came up with 5 days ago while playing Kahoot, he himself isn't that cringe, and is quite fun to be around. That being said, he has 7 different alternative accounts (That of which I shall not name) to post cringe on in many general chats of discord servers. He, like myself, plays Kahoot a lot and he has also heard that one song where Eminem is singing with the Kahoot music in the background.

(My entry here is 100% useless)

Master Cringe (Using 5th alt): *pretending to defend 4chan by presenting the common neckbeard argument, look up what that is I'm not explaining it*
A Discord Moderator: "Damn, that's cringe as hell, I should mute him."
Some Smartass: "I dunno man, that could be Master Cringe!"

by UrDadIsGay:) December 5, 2021

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cringe as fuck

Ikshu simps for yatharth all day. Ikshu is cringe as fuck. Dont be like ikshu.

Ikshu: "broooo yatharth is so fucking hot bro"
Every other sane human being on planet earth : "Ikshu, you're cringe as fuck"

by joestevenson September 20, 2021

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Buddah Cringe

The cringe of a 13 year old youtuber that makes cringey content. The word Buddah Cringe originated from the youtuber Mango Milk but wasn’t posted on his channel but the two have a beef in real life

Bro that’s like Buddah cringe right there

by LilNikk December 21, 2017

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Cringe and Blackpilled

A phrase referring to when someone says something edgy/shares an edgy opinion solely for the attention and not because they actually believe in whatever it is they just said. Edgy for the sake of being edgy.

"Why did Kyle say that? Does he actually believe in stuff like that?"
"No, he's just cringe and blackpilled. He just wants attention."

by Clovey Lowey October 28, 2022

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hyper - cringe

An action (spoken or not) that is so cringy that it forces the very fabric of reality to cave around whoever has completed said action and thus disrupt the focus of all sentient beings in the universe.

Person 1: *hears the goth kid start singing for the school talent show



by Professor nigga April 13, 2021

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