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travelers dust

If you have to ask, you can't afford it.

Can I offer you two fine gentlemen at this Greyhound Station some travelers dust?

by Epherum January 16, 2016


Any crushed/finely powdered ADD(attention deficit disorder) medication one would sniff/snort to gain an edge in any work related or academic field.

Any powdered ADD/ADHD medication used nasally or added to a beverage for their stimulant properties.

'whats study-dust?'
"its just when i powder my amphetamine salts"

"dawg this study-dust got me geeked"

"man i havent slept in like 40 hours...guess i did too much study-dust"

by trillerthanthou August 20, 2011

Cuck dust

When you jizz on you're wife's ass and she let's it dry, chops it up and makes you snort it.

Man, last night Shane's wife made him snort fresh cuck dust.

by I_prefer_flavor-aid May 5, 2020

dust plug

An old woman's dildo

"That is one old dust plug"

by Lobe July 3, 2017

Brushing The Dust

When two elderly women have lesbian sex and they have to be related. Excess dust is deposited inside of each others vaginal holes.

Liam's nans were brushing the dust last night. I wonder why all his grandads are dead. Nigga.

by hairy black male January 11, 2020

drop dusting

When you jump on someone from behind into a piggy back, and fart for increased speed.

I was walking down the street when someone jumped on my back. I would have kept my balance but they started drop dusting and I face-planted.

by thelastgreatcynic June 7, 2012

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wasp dust

A powdery white substance. Also known as cocaine. Most heartily enjoyed amongst the adolescent WASP community.

"So what was Harvard like? "
"I found the teaching to be quite rudimentary, but the WASP dust was quite phenomenal. I got at least three nosebleeds a night."

by reluctantfollower April 8, 2016