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Fecal Float

When one taints another's drink with feces. Usually as some sort of funny prank or done to someone that one does not hold in high regard.

I have a secret. Jane just made johns beer into a Fecal Float.

by Donny L. Butts May 16, 2008

Mythering, tell them float

'Myther it, tell them float', 'You're mythering, tell them float', or simply 'tell them float' is an expression used to tell people that what they're saying/doing/feeling is not that deep and they should simply deal with it.

The expression comes from if someone was drowning or struggling to stay in water, you would tell them to float. In this idiom, the water that they're drowning in is the situation that they are taking too seriously; and they should simply float above their problems. Not solving the problems, merely floating above them.

It's important to note that the person facing these issues are told to themselves "Tell em float". Almost as if the peer to peer conversation is actually a group bullying whereas the person telling them to float is calling for people to back him up.

"I really hate how hot it is in here"
"You're mythering, tell them float"

"I cant stand the way she dresses"
"Float, its not that deep"

"I cant pay my bills this month"
"Tell em float"

by dictionarywriter1234 February 20, 2024

floating pallet

Pissing in a mans asshole until filled then shitting in said asshole to the poop looks like a little floating pallet in the water. Originally an act committed by the French and their transgender lovers

My bf wouldn't the floating pallet thing with me so I broke up with him.

by Anglomachican August 2, 2014

pussy beer float

When a women puts her legs over a mans shoulders and the man eats her out while he is eating her out another person pushes her boobs together and pours a beer down her boobs and goes down to the vagina while he is eating her out he also drinks the beer

Dude! I did the pussy beer float last night!
No way

Yea the beer hit my mouth right when she came fuck yea!!

by Digilo July 18, 2019

motor float

Canadian colloquialism for a boat, particularly smaller, personal boats.

Whattaya say we take the motor float out for some fishin, eh?

by Groovintunes March 23, 2011

floated a heater

Writing a bad check.

Me: Let me just write you a check for that.
Me: (leaves store)
Store manager: The next day…..That bastard just floated a heater.

by jdubya22 October 3, 2022


Rest or move on or near the surface of a liquid without sinking. Except it’s done at night, just staring at the clouds and stars.

I went on a night-float last night.

by TheNightFloaters April 14, 2022