what kids who look like 4th graders and have mohawks feel at all times.
Colton:Dude I am feeling the flow.
Sam:Totally Bro.
A technique implemented by those who practice Beatboxairianism. This allows an individual to unlock ones potential to spit absolute fire. Can be implemented in a beatbox session to allows ones body to create nutritional components in massive amounts. This nutrition is then absorbed through a process known as Dope Flow Breathing.
I'm feeling the flow!
“Oh, it’s my time of the month; better get a flow stick up there.”
“flow-swap” is a swinger lifestyle term meaning that couples can play at any level, soft, full, parallel, same room or same roof and selectively separate. It is really base it on everyone’s comfort level.
My friend likes to describe his swinger lifestyle dynamic as “flow-swap”. The options are pretty flexible, and go-with-the-flow, as long as everyone is on the same page and comfortable.
The feeling of one being omniscient and invincible. Total immersion. Even time seems to slow down as you begin to believe that you are capable of anything. Also known as "being in the zone", the flow state increases one's physical and mental ability to 120% power, or at least that what it feels like. It is often triggered upon completing a difficult threshold, such as getting the first paragraph down in an essay, or instantly headshotting someone in a tactical shooter.
"no way you can clutch this"
"shush, don't interrupt my flow state. I just flicked two people."
A state of concentration that the Fpv community enters when flying drones.
I entered flow state while flying.