Source Code

Gavin Garbrant

A piece of fucking shit.

Random Person: this tape is weak and doesn't belong in society.

Me: don't you mean it's Gavin Garbrant?

by Notyouraveragehoe87 February 8, 2022

Gavin hanson

Someone that you can easily fall in love with but will break your heart without even knowing it.

Sometimes Gavin Hanson makes me sad

by Yee yee mc cree February 23, 2019

Tiana and Gavin

Tiana and Gavin are made for each other. These 2 shouldn't waste time, they should get together

Gavin: Tiana, will you be my girlfriend?
Tiana: Yes, of course. What took you so long to ask
*they hug*

(Tiana and Gavin were very happy with each other)

by Your Baba April 24, 2021

Gavin Sanders

A young humble polite gentleman, who shits himself a lot

Hey gavin how are you today

Gavin Sanders: *shits pants* pretty damn good

by Ron guy April 1, 2022

Gavin coburn

Loves to shove his trumpet up his booty hole and spends his whole life on Xbox

Jeez bro! Look at that Gavin Coburn over there!

by Mario ;) December 13, 2019

gavin barkel

A form of autism

That kid has Gavin Barkel

by Anonymous 4681 March 4, 2019

Gavin Neal

A very handsome and good looking person. He’s very hot, cute, and sweet. He always knows how to make someone feel better. He’ll do anything and everything to make his special someone happy. He puts every one first. He’s fun to be around and always has good jokes.

“You see that hot guy over there, yeah that’s Gavin Neal”

by Hdjrhu April 26, 2019