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Goofy Ahh

A funny word created by Quandale Dingle

You sound so Goofy Ahh!

by Jfninja November 14, 2022

Goofy ahh

The most annoying ass phrase ever used.

"Goofy ahh"

"Shut the fuck up. "

by November 3, 2022

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goofy ahh

goofy ahh is used by TikTokers that make funny content with the name "Quandail Dingle" the goofy ahh king that somehow started the meme.

"my goofy ahh uncle is holding me captive." " why yo face so goofy ahh."

by very useless words December 21, 2022


goofy-ahh was first from a popular game called Roblox, by saying goofy-ahh. It would mean goofy-jackass or goofy-ass, now ticktock the social media app uses it so much it could be in the oxford university dictionary

Hey bro, watch this video it's goofy-ahh.
You know you are calling it a jackass right?

by Narration049 August 1, 2022

Goofy ahh

When you see somethin funny / childish or just goofy

James charles is so goofy ahh

by roblod September 12, 2022

Goofy ahh

Alright. Soooo, something "goofy ahh" basically means the gen z's reaction to legit EVERYTHING. Whenever someone dies, or something sad and deppressing happens, there's always that one kid that replies to that twitter or redit post like "hahaha that was so goofy ahh" or "Daum that really looks like goofy ahh quandale dingle." you may never see me again because i have died of cringe

*goofy ahh sound effects*

Elon Musk: OMG guys Mark Suckerburg just died "shocked face".
Legit every kid: daum, thats so f*cking goofy. I wonder what his last words were.

Mark suckerburgs last words be like: Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse Metaverse.
Again that one kid: im gonna go surf through r/fatherless and try to find my father. I find it so goofy ahh that he left me for the lactose intolerant cream cheese and never came back.

by Xx_F0rtNiteSweaT%@##_xX August 31, 2022

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goofy ahh

My goofy ahh videos on youtube are a definition.

u r so damm goofy ahh

by goofy guy July 21, 2023