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Grand Central

British train company owned by Arriva. Operates London-Sunderland and London-Bradford

Did you see what Virgin were charging? It was half the price with Grand Central!

by CSD123 March 12, 2016

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grand dadding

Getting up and leaving in a hurry without telling anyone.

We are grand dadding out of here before the traffic gets bad or I have to go to the bathroom.

by Nobes Knows It June 19, 2021

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The grand slammer

The grand slammer is when you do a line of coke off a girls belly, kiss the girl, take a bong rip, take two syringes full of tequila then make out with a second girl and she slips a ecstasy pill from her mouth to yours. Then you die.

Yo man! Nick just did the grand slammer, his buddies had to take him to the hospital.

by Mickey dog November 21, 2014

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grande run

v. To make a run to Taco Bell for a grande combo, the best thing ever.

Dude, I got the munchies. Let's make a grande run.

by rodeo September 14, 2005

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Ariana Grande

"Thank U, Next."

Break up with your girlfriend, I'm bored.

"You like my hair? Gee thanks, just bought it." -Ariana Grande

by causehernameisari February 22, 2019

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Ariana Grande

The one person who can prove that β€œGod Is A woman”!
She has an angels voice and is coming to snatch ur weaves with her racks and vocals. She is so iconic and I love her so much. She is well known for her acting role on Victorious and Sam& Cat and her newest singles β€œthank u, next”, β€œ7 Rings”, and β€œbreak up with your girlfriend, I’m bored”. Her ponytail is EVERTHINGGG!! I feel bad for u if you think otherwise. She’s also a fucking GODESSSS!!!! She the queen ok? PERIODTTT! thank u,

next :)

me: have u heard the new Ariana Grande song?
irrelevant dumb ass bitch: u like Ariana Grande?

me: :0<===========8

by putitonandmakeemwannamarryme May 11, 2019

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Ariana Grande

a true queen, her BB5's are unbeaten, an icon, Toulouse is her amazing dog, shes too ICONIC

thank u, next

wow, you're listening to Ariana Grande? Shes a QUEEN!

by SKJSJKJSJKJSKJKS October 17, 2019

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