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hella weed

a type of weed so many used in the usa but a lot of people dont like this cause this weed is so heavy

i like hella weed cause make me feel so high bro, thats the better type of weed.

by pirokudo December 22, 2018

hella key

of utmost important

Make sure you do that homework. I heard it's hella key for the final.

by 2chenz December 11, 2013

aw hella

When something is very awesome.

"Dude, I got her number"
"Aw Hella!"

by kingjoffreybee April 6, 2014

hella wreaky

The smell of the weed in the room that is very strong.

Friend 1: Fuck dude we shouldn’t have smoked weed in my room, it’s hella wreaky in here.
Friend 2: HELLA wreaky!

by RichJ56 May 10, 2020


Combining equal parts hellish suffering with fantasies of death-wish style escape, hella-port is most useful when you are absolutely fuckin' stuck.

Facedown on the pavement with two boots at their necks, Hillary whispered to Bernie: "Wish we could hella-port outta here."

by Discorpo July 6, 2016


When someone from California "kind of" agrees with you

Bro that chick is rad !

by Hellafojo February 27, 2017

hella hung

stuck on someone, obsessed with

Joe: "Brehh Taylor texted me thirty times in the last five minutes"
Michael: "Man shes hella hung on you, dont even reply"
Joe: "Yeah dude shes soo thirsty"

by TrueManRillss September 21, 2013