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homo textual

a guy who text like a girl. frequently uses the slang like OMG, LOL, WTF in a text. girls find this unattractive and unmanly.

it also can be used to describe a guy who shortens words like, wat, dis, and dat. this is found to be anoying and lazy among girl.

I cant text nick for too long because he is so homo textual its sad

by noelle miller January 25, 2009

21๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

no homo howell

When Daniel Howell refuses to admit he's gay.

Person 1: Hey do u know Dan Howell?
Person 2: Yeah. He says he's "No Homo Howell" but we all know that's not true.

by Heythereasshole July 10, 2017

18๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Homo Sapien

Ah, yes. The homo sapien. A species nobody really understands. They have no certain location, for they spread out all around planet Earth. The are not furry, but have hair on certain parts of their body. Some have light skin and others have darker skin. Their hair can be different colors too. No two Homo sapiens look the same; unless they are a genetic mutation. They think they are smart. They have some tatcis, perform weird rituals, and are fasinated with themselves. Some are lonely, but most Homo sapiens form groups. When they become older they separate from theyโ€™re original group known as a family, and create their own family. Another form of group is a group called a โ€œfriend.โ€ Most hate the homosapien species because of their destructive tendencies. They create things that pollute their planet and they are a huge predator to most animals. We are working on a way to get this ugly kind out of Earth.

A Homo Sapien is dangerous

by This Chihuahua Hero March 4, 2018

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Homo soda

A carbonated alcoholic beverage sometimes called spiked seltzer. Flavors are often fruity which are associated with women or feminine men.

I enjoy a homo soda while working in my friend's garage on a hot day.

by Uncle B. Lade May 26, 2022

no homo bro

Someone says this when they ain't homo

"Kiss him dude"-kevin "no homo bro"-mike

by Lemon Limes March 12, 2018

Homo Slomo

Adjective; A word used to compare someone/something that's being slow to an aroused homosexual who takes a long time to get an erect penis

"Jorge is so homo slomo"
"Hurry up, don't be so homo slomo"
"Wow these cars are so homo slomo"

by cakewhore December 8, 2013

sweetwater homo

A person who enjoys fishing in, and eating fish from Bodies of fresh water as Opposed to Bodies of Salt Water.

Adam won't go on that Striped Bass trip with us, He's a Sweetwater Homo.

by Yambag69 February 25, 2022