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Hurricane Bones

A drink consisting of Tequila and Milk

I ordered a hurricane bones last night

by klosekilla May 4, 2018

Polish hurricane

When a girl is giving you a rim job, and you fart in her mouth. She gets both surprised and angry and blows it back in your face.

Janet gave me a polish hurricane because i just about blew mud in her mouth.

by Richard Cranium August 25, 2015

Hurricane Sheri

Stay as far away as possible at all times. Sheri is cursed. Lot's of damage. Stay Strong.

Watch out Hurricane Sheri is in town

by HurricaneSheriCanSuckIt May 3, 2022

dutch hurricane

A sexual act in which you give the other person a swirly while butt-fucking them.

The other day, I Dutch hurricaned that bitch so hard. It was awesome. *high five*

by Steely foxe April 6, 2014