Failure or refusal to see the truth of your surroundings.
Living in your own world to escape reality. Failure to know what is happening in the real world.
Tammy: I don't want to hurt him but just show him I have feelings
Jed: Your so Ignorant that you don't see that you are hurting him.
There's a lot of times people from a distant group of people, a group of people from another continent for example, think of all people from another continent as being the same because they look similar. For example treating all white people like they are British colonists or Nazis is as ignorant as treating all black people as Muslims, or treating all Asians as Chinese. In some African countries there are hundreds of ethnic groups, too many to count, so thinking that two people would be allies because their skin is darker is a lot like thinking that everyone with fair skin are allies because they both have fair skin in life, instead of going on an individual basis (since most people don't have time to process all this stuff on an individual basis on a daily basis).
Thinking that a group of people looking alike, or similar, means that they are alike or the same is ignorant. Not all groups of Europeans colonized foreign lands and owned/whipped slaves, for example, so calling someone a cracker because they have fair skin is ignorant. When was the last time you met a Russian family that owned black slaves hundreds of years ago. It's a lot like saying that all black people/Africans descended from slaves, or all Asians eat/like Chinese food and are kung fu masters, which is ignorant and irritating at the same time.
ignorant = whom ever is coming up with this false racist ridiculous "terms and definitions" for "urban" slang is highly IGNORANT and needs to be fired
The retard who is coming up with these racist definitions is ignorant as hell
A person or persons who actively ignore knowledge, even if it is handed to them on a silver platter.
A person in school is ignorant to the knowledge his teacher is teaching if he is purposely not listening.
someone that is ignorant is someone that talks about stuff they dont know about and acts like they do
Person 1, caffeine should be illegal, its a psychoactive drug,
me, do you even know what psychoactive means
person 1, it means it makes you act psychotic
me, just look it up
person 1, i already know what it means
me, no you don't
person 1, my 1st grade teachers tough me how to break up a word to figure out what it means you idiot
me, *feeds them a knuckle sandwich*
me, you ignorant pice of...