"Oh now I'm becoming a LOH KA LING MELINA "
Someone is lame or stupid and that doesn’t get you
Kyle is being such a coo coo ka ka rn he can go poop his pants.
A skank who wears 5 layers of make-up, thinks she is the shit and attractive (but really she looks like someone just pissed on her face), and illegally loses her virginity to an older guy and gets a STD
Why is he talking to that filth-a-ka-bob?! She is foul!
Metaphorically, a very stupid person. Literally, the head of a penis.
Ashish is being such a Lund ka topa by killing the vibe of the party.
Don't talk to him, he'll irritate you, such a Lund ka topa.
A designer street drug that is similar to Special K; but with a more pronounced trippy aspect and a speedy feeling.
Last night was so crazy; I went into a ka-bunny hole and, I swear to god, I thought I was an algebra equation for over an hour.
A generic white fat ass who loves to watch loli hentai and makes love to his imaginary girlfriend whose name starts with a v and ends with an a
Look at him he's like shivu ka beta gopal