first, you have the beam spring stupidly loud with a solenoid in a lot of them built well and they are ridiculously tall and expensive, then you have the slappy Capacitive driven model F keyboard of what I use a lot of and I have 4 of those if you think the model m is the best-bucking spring then you have not slapped away on and it is a lot smoother and it is louder than the model m, but it's also expensive for a NON-XT layout a model f AT can cost upwards of 500 bucks and an f122 iv seen up to 1k for restored there are other ones like 4704 and those cost a ton for a nonreproduction you can get a reproduction for under 400 bucks. The model F is a literal brick Shithouse rated to 100M+ keystroke life and cant fall apart because of plastic rivets like the model M. The venerable model M what most of us know about is a buckling spring over membrane design vs the capacitive of the model f and comes with 1 plate of steel vs 3 or 2 of the model for all metal in the 4704 for the case the model m is considered to be a tank build keyboard but in fact, it has an Achilles heel the plastic rivets used to hold it together over time pop off and have to be drilled out and replaces with bolts or screws called "bolt modding". but you got to hand it to them these keyboards are around 25-34 for the majority of them and they have held up better than a razer can and can be fixed. side note model m is MEMBRANE diven. still better than a lot of garbage gamer keyboard built well types like a dream
Godammit Mallard why is your IBM Keyboard so HEAVY me. well the model f is heavy because its made with 3 plates of steel
The act of "fisting" someone while wearing a used and previously discarded latex glove.
She had a very kinky past so I figured she would eventually want to try the old dusty keyboard.
"an over priced keyboard that pro gamers use"
"his names silly salmon and he a rainbow light up keyboard"
Any computer job that involves just entering entering data into a program that does not require much thought or mental process.
Man1: Hey man how did your day go?
Man2: Boring, all I did was enter numbers in to the accounting software. I felt like a keyboard punch monkey.
A "Slam-at-the-keyboard-then-get-a-name"is a kid who randomly tries to get a name but most "kool names" are occupied so they slam the head at the keyboard and get a name
Usually in roblox where their name looks like "gfggfffgfggfffgg" so I call them that
Me seeing a kid user called gfggfffgfggfffgg
Me:ah shit not those Slam-at-the-keyboard-then-get-a-name guy man I hate this name
Large, typically loud keyboards that are surprisingly annoying due to the need to press giant keys extremely far down.
Subject A: I have a clicky mechanical keyboard! <proceeds to type the ever-living piss-shit out of the keyboard>
Subject B: <visibly annoyed> Linear membrane keyboards are better by far.
When suddenly everybody wants to play with a toy or item (like a keyboard) that has been buried under the bed or tucked away in a closet for years.
Raul: I found this keyboard under the bed. I'm gonna learn how to play the Star Wars theme on it.
Brock: Hey! Gimme that! It's mine!!!
Raul: It's been collecting dust under the bed for 5 years and now suddenly you want to play it? That's Keyboard Theory.