The genius who had a moment of inspiration and thought of "pound it" instead of the over-used word, "hashtag". Also the general of the Military Acapella Group on Skis (whom he taught to pull out), Master Wadleigh is an idol to us all.
While we were at the broccli tree, Master Wadleigh said, "what's happening?"
A master of sessions, one that knows how to execute the perfect session, including method, time, and place.
Jackson is a session master.
A true man of leisure. It takes some real practice to get good at almost doing nothing while still enjoying yourself to the max.
After Jack won the lotto, he resumed his lifelong slacker quest to become the ultimate slack master -- by "trying not to try".
Receiving oral sex whilst tanking a dungeon in World of Warcraft.
Bro, I just got done Master-Speccing in ICC, it was fucking sweet."
When one touches themselves to reach a self climax, slang definition of masterbate
Man when a girl master-b's it is amazing.
The highest possible IQ person who is able to make all the calls and lead anyone into victory.
He is the master master stratitioner and is able to lead our team into victory every game.