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Max is the type of kid to cry and start yelling when his parents/guardians find the poop socks because he has been filling it up for almost a year know.

Max whats this under your bed!! No not my poop sock.

by Bradey The Savage February 26, 2019

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Some fat fuck who is a dumbass who likes to spray whipped cream on people. His farts gas up the entire room in a matter of milliseconds.

Person #1: Holy shit! Is that max?
Person #2: Omg Iโ€™m gonna throw up

by slurpyslurpman October 22, 2020

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A Dickhead from Ukraine! Has no dick but a pussy

Max is sooo lesbian!

by Maximus560 October 17, 2018

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Ahhhh, man
That one guy that will either ruin or make your day, yep that one.
He's a nice guy if you get to know him, for some reason likes post Malone ALOT. Is straight (most of the time) but will most likely be friends with girls more than boys..that's just the way he is!

Boy: Yo dude WTF is up with your new BF
Girl : Max? Oh, he's just being himself.

by Randomeguy125$ September 2, 2019

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The act of sharting and staining your underwear.

Kendra maxed her underwear at friendsgiving

by Avcoates10 November 25, 2016

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a synonym for awkward silence

1) blahdy blah blah blah .....................................


2) *crickets...*

by bob saggett March 12, 2008

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A stupid f##k that likes to eat peanut butter play the ps4. And thinks he's better than anybody.

I hate max he's a b#tch

by Toronto turtles October 26, 2016

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