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Mandarin Mountain

The size of the plates at the popular chinese buffet "Mandarin" cannot compensate for the amount of food placed upon them. Therefore the food must be piled to incredible heights, creating a Mandarin Mountain on your plate.

God damn these tiny plates, looks likes its time for another Mandarin Mountain.

by awesome12345 April 15, 2009

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Snowy Mountains

when a male cums on a girls tits.

dude my girlfriend ripped her bra off so i had to give her the snowy mountains

by jew420 May 11, 2006

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grouse mountain

a unique mountain with a great appreciation for lack of snow. why go any other place to shred when the mountain can shred your board for you.

Grouse Mountain is happy.

by {(H)} March 23, 2005

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Mountain Dew

Most popular soda from PepsiCo (excluding pepsi)
Has the most caffeine allowed in a soda.
Has 5 different flavors. Mt. Dew livewire, Mt. Dew Code red, Mt. Dew Baja blast (sold only at Taco Bell), Mt Dew Pitch Black and Original Mt. Dew. and is now sold in 14 oz cans in a 15 pack, which i think all mt dew lovers are screaming for joy about, to bad its limited edition.
Great for staying up all night at parties, doing homework etc.

Me:I love these new 14 oz cans of mt dew. To bad its a limited edition.

Friend: Ha! I think they will take it back like they say but then all soda will be 14 oz cans.

so the question is will it be limited edition?

by TheKez June 25, 2005

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mountain dude

What you become when you drink Mountain Dew..

I was really tired, so I went to the vending machine to become a mountain dude.

by Jduke February 28, 2008

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White Mountain

White mountain is when your boyfriend/girlfriend wants to give you a hickey on your neck/chest and begins on an area with a white head pimple. While giving the hickey, the pimple pops and the person sucks in the pimple juices along with creating a hickey.

Luke: Hey man do see the hickey I left on my girl over there?

Mark: Yeah man, Nice!!
Luke: well I did other things than just a hickey. I did the white mountain!!

by March 31, 2016

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Stone Mountain

Rachet , hood part of dekalb county in most parts but contains some wealthy people by Stone Mountain highway. Part of zone 6.

Stone Mountain is the nice part of zone 6 , but still ratchet as hell!

by Datniqquatrey May 10, 2018

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