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Romantic Lame Duck Period

When you have committed to plans with a girl that you are not romantically interested in and therefore feel like you are not able to pursue a romantic relationship with anyone else until that commitment is fulfilled.

Typically in reference to a homecoming or prom type event.

“Hey man are you gonna slide on Hannah?”

“Dude I can’t until after homecoming cause I told Jenna I would go with her and I don’t want to look like a douche”
Dang man, you’re really in a romantic lame duck period

by Weed Ratkins September 19, 2019

Lames Disease

A severe sickness related to ones social health. This disease is characterized by both boring and lazy attitudes towards anything related to interacting with people and staying by themselves every night of the week. People with this disease will typically create elaborate lies just to get out of spending time with friends, some of those include; Creating a fake job, fake significant others, fake family reunions, and fake financial issues among other things.

Andrew's Lames Disease must be flaring up, he told us ain't coming to play ball because he has to work but I heard he got fired weeks ago.

by RBSmoove March 12, 2018

lame and fuk

A loser.

Robert is a lame and fuk

by September 13, 2023

Lame Ass Mf

Somebody who is a Lame Ass Mf. Sometimes they could be Lame asl

Bro this kid is a lame ass mf

by Waylon Jennings November 21, 2021

pretty lame

f you describe something, for example an excuse, argument, or remark, as lame, you mean that it is poor or weak

Saying she'd lost her homework was a pretty lame excuse, if you ask me.

by Beddybye3 March 19, 2024

lame ranger

When yer ex buddy been on one for the past 2 years and comes back to town and he is sleeping on the floor in some shit shack with his fat fuck bacon grease eating night fisherman friend. And he goes around telling people that he was in the army and did like 4 tours and shot and killed 13 people and I found out what he was doing and busted his ass out. What really happened was he made it thru basic and cried and whined to his girlfriend to come get him cause he was scary little bish. So he took off and got a bus ticket, and a dishonorable discharge, Thus earning him the name ‘The Lame Ranger.’ He is currently sittin in jail, on a 1st degree burglary and also a whole lotta Weiner touching.

Who got some go go? Nobody, shits dry AF. Cept that schwaz the lame Ranger be sellin.

by #FlexLuthor November 18, 2021

Date lamed

When you attend a party with a date and they dissapear mid-way thorough the night.

"Where's my husband? Have I been date lamed?"

by Goodlyon November 27, 2015