Created by Pete Holmes, comedian. While referencing a celebrity in a conversation for their popular unique quality, but not in relation to a current or past scandal, saying "scandal noted" acknowledges the issue, and avoids a tangent in the conversation.
"He did run a lot of yards during the this past season, but O.J. Simpson, scandal noted, still holds the record for single-season yards-per-game average. A record 143, that may never be broken."
Created by comedian, Pete Holmes. A shortcut phrase to be used when referencing a celebrity, place, or event as an example for something other than a well known negative issue about it. The idea is to avoid the negative event being a distraction from the point of the statement or story. It also acknowledges that the speaker is aware of the scandal, so that discussion is not necessary.
It's true that he ran a lot of yardage this season, and that's impressive. It doesn't beat the record still held by O.J. Simpson, Scandal Noted, of the record for the single-season yards-per-game average at 143.1.
Its some thing your stupid enough to even look up dumb ass
basically means "youre bad at pretending to be depressed" and "we can literally tell"
Emo dude mid argument: You dont know what ive been through
Other guy idk: man youre acting like a sad song with a few wrong notes
When you're saying something and you want emphasize your statement.
On a solid note, she was the funniest chick I've ever met. I have literally never met anyone funnier.
Note from your boner is when someone feels the need to (often unasked for) express their opinion about someone else's sexual appearance. See also I like small boobs. Making themselves look like a complete fool. These notes are never welcome and completely misguided and make the sender be ignorant and dumb. Even if the intention may have been good.
Imagine a forum discussion about how breast size may hinder sexual attraction. Random individual chimes in with a comment like "I like small boobs". Thinking that their preference somehow would make the other person(s) feel better. But achieving the opposite. Said comment is a note from your boner.