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fire finger

Rubbing your finger on the inside of a hot pepper (such as a habanero)or hot sauce and then inserting the offending member into someone else's vagina or anus.

Casey was pissed at his girl so he rubbed some pepper sauce on his finger and gave her a fire finger.

by xterra0915 February 20, 2008

15πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

you're on fire

If someone is on a roll. They are constantly doing something good like getting a correct answer, or maybe getting asked out by multiple people.

Facebook: You got a new follower.
Friend: That's six today! You're on fire!

by Elizabeth Midford April 2, 2018

16πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

ring of fire

Is an irritation of the ass hole, which may consist of burning and/or cracking of the epithelium itself; may cause bleeding of the hole, and watering of the eyes, and also hemorrhaging in and around the hole itself. This can be caused by acidic fluid making its way through the bowels and exiting in a manner of urgency, or in a squirting/spraying manner. Other contributing factors may include prolonged childbirth, or rough/unlubed anal sex. Symptoms include walking funny, and the inability to wipe after use of the washroom. Therapies for a ring of fire include ointments containing anti-inflammatories, ice, and donut shaped pillows.

"I'll never eat Taco Bell again. I won't be able to sit for a week with this ring of fire!"

"If I knew he was into that, I wouldn't have went out with him. Damn this ring of fire hurts!"

by Jenny Bear March 18, 2005

200πŸ‘ 79πŸ‘Ž

you're fired

Sorry Donald. People have been using this phrase way before you even dreamed of having a show. It was fist used to fire someone from a job. This usage has dropped of though because saying "You're Fired" might spark emotion. Instead now HR people use the words terminated or released to let someone know they were "Let Go".

My friends have been using it forever when someone screws up and they are pissed.

Example 1)
Donald: You're Fired
Me: I'm sooo over this show

Example 2)
Me: Oops I forgot to grab the camera honey.
Honey: You're Fired. I'm going to find me a new boyfriend.

by Bryansix May 26, 2005

316πŸ‘ 133πŸ‘Ž

Goblet of Fire

The toliet you use to rid your body of that spicey mexican food you had for dinner.

"I went over to meet her parents and that Taco Bell came knocking on my back door so I turned her parent's toliet into the Goblet of Fire."

by aseaiveswam March 8, 2009

26πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Shots Fired

Phrase used by law enforcement officers to communicate the discharge of a weapon to dispatch over the radio.

724, shots fired, officer needs help, 20th and Main!

118, shots fired, suspect down. Roll EMS to my 20, code 3.

572, I just heard three shots fired. What’s your status?

by Tactical_Donut November 11, 2018

29πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Ring of Fire

A get drunk quick game. Based on rules and consciounces of drawing a card

First you need a deck of cards. Once you have them you spread them in to a circle Around a decent size glass with everyone sitting around them.

Card values(may very depending on how other people play it):

Ace- Is waterfall (All players begin to drink at the same time. It goes clockwise around the circle where the player next to the card-chooser cannot stop until the chooser does, and the 3rd player cannot stop until the 2nd one does, and so it goes around the circle until everyone is done.)

2- is for you (card holder must pick someone to take a drink.

3- is for me (card holder must drink)

4- is for thumb (last person to put there thumb on the table has to drink)

5- Is for guys (All the guys at the table have to take a drink)

6- is for chicks ( all the girls at the table have to take a drink)

7- is raise your hands to heaven. (last person to raise there hand has to drink)

8- is for mate (The person who picks the card gets to choose someone to drink with them)

9- Rhyme (The player must pick a word/phrase, and, going clockwise around the circle, all players must think of a rhyme with the word/phrase. The player to mess up the rhyme drinks. The starting word must not be rhymeless)

10- is for catagories (The person who picks up the card calls out a category such as "car makes" or "Family Guy characters" and then starts with the first example of something from that category. No example can be repeated and the first person to fail to come up with another example drinks)

Joker- Rule - (The player must choose a rule to be in effect for the rest of the game. If any player breaks a rule, he/she must drink. In most games, the rules become void while involved in game related activity)

Queen- Buffalo (When this rule is in effect all players must drink with their left hand only. If a player gets caught drinking with their right hand, anyone may call "Buffalo" on them and they have to finish their drink.)

King- King's Cup (The player may pour a decent amount of whatever he/she is drinking into the "king cup" located in the center of the table. When the last (4th) king is chosen, the chooser has to chug the king cup.)

Drink much.


well now ur gonna.

(ring of fire)

by Chanceistheshiz September 12, 2008

286πŸ‘ 121πŸ‘Ž