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Final Fight Online

A web site dedicated to the Final Fight series of video games by Capcom.

We need more Final Fight info, let's check out Final Fight Online.

by Galvatron December 22, 2004

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Tactics Arena Online

An online site where anyone can register for free and get on one of the four servers (however, one, "Revelation" is reserved for paying, or "Gold" members only) and play a strange-yet-addictive strategy game that is sort of like a live-action version of chess. You control several different "creatures" (for lack of a better word) that each have a certain range of movement and attack on the playing field (which vaguely resembles a chess board). Some attack physically, with swords or knives, and some have spell-casting ablilities. All have specific attack strength, a blocking percentage, and a certain amount of hit points. You have a rating, which is affected each time you win or lose. You start out with a rating of 720. You can also be invited to join a "clan" or group of players who can communicate via a private clan chat. The site features a lobby where you can look for other people to battle, and which contains what is basically a chat room.

This site is largely dominanted by n00bs who are trying to figure out how to play, a cadre of Gold members who appear to be constantly looking for other Golds to battle, desperate people looking for cybersex (sample line: "Any hot girls wanna cyber press 333"), spammers and creepers who don't have anything of much importance to say, people desperately seeking to join clans, and average people who just are looking for a good battle.

"I was bored, so I went to Tactics Arena last night and battled some people."

"I was addicted to Tactics Arena Online for like, oh, two days."

by killerfiller March 12, 2006

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Grand Piece Online

game where everyone wants logia


by TheUniqueDuck April 16, 2021

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Red Dead Online

A toxic cesspool of booters, lag switchers, god mode, and off-radar cheaters who will doxx you for calling them trash. Red Dead Online used to be fun, but now it has become whatever the fuck Cockstar Games let it turn into.

Red Dead Online isn't what it used to be. It's too toxic now.

by TheWarHorse100 February 19, 2023

Gta 5 online

A buttfucking that's all

Last night I bought gta 5 and spend 6 hours grinding only to get buttfucked by a mark2 that's gta 5 online

by Clown fucked 334 January 5, 2020

Toronto online streets

The dangers of the Toronto streets, but online

'Wow these Toronto online streets are dangerous out here...'

by C3poo May 9, 2023

online voice crack

When you are typing near the left hand side of the keyboard and accidentally press the caps lock button. Usually while chatting. When you realize this, you are too lazy to change it back and press enter.

Bob: Hey there, ARe you busy?
Jon: HAHAHHA you just did an online voice crack

by Bioisannoying November 2, 2010

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