When you mumble in an organized mannor
*trys to rap but just mumbles*
Dude that just sounds like organized mumbling
When you mumble in an organized major, mumble rap
*trys to sing but just mumbles words*
Dude chill you're just organized mumbling
You pronounce it as orgasm, but you know it’s not that. You read organism in your head before you popcorn read in class, then say orgasm.
“The small little orgasm- fUcK Orgasm. Fuck. OR GA NIS AM organism”
a person that frequently makes inappropriate jokes and acts "down bad"
Stop being an organism Marcus
... (everyone slow claps) organism i once read as orgasm
This is a word used in Natural Science that I pronounced wrong I’m 7th grade, I said out loud to my whole class “an orgasm is a very small cell...” it was a very sad day when I realized what that word actually meant
a more polite term for a guy's penis
when you want think things through rationally, do not use either your emotions or your phallic organ; use your thinking cap