1) "Beautiful People" is a phrase used by "hippies" in the 1960's counterculture to describe other people in their sub-society. Basically a synonym for "hippie", but "Hippies" was, for many, a somewhat derogatory term; "Beautiful People" is still considered by many "hippie"-like people to be one of the highest compliments. This title became more widely known after the publication of "The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe.
2) Originated from the "Beautiful People Letter", a form letter sent home by many "hippies" to their worrying middle-class mothers.
3) Can be derogatory in and of itself, considering that a lot of so-called "Beautiful People" are actually rich hypocrites trying to be cool.
1) Square - "Where were you last weekend?"
Beautiful Person - "Oh, I was hanging out with some Beautiful People up at Yasgur's Farm."
2) "Dear Mother, I meant to write you before this and I hope you havenβt been worried, I am in (San Francisco / Los Angeles / New York / Arizona / a Hopi Indian Reservation!!!! / Ajijic / San Miguel de Allende / Mazatlan, Mexico!!!!) and it is really Beautiful here. It is a Beautiful scene. Beautiful People doing Beautiful Things."
3) How does it feel to be / One of the Beautiful People? ... Baby, You're a Rich Man.
--Baby You're a Rich Man, The Beatles
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The Lost People are people who periodically go missing and don't return phone calls, text messages etc. Often times TLP's will turn up and blame the lack of communication on a non-offending party or the person trying to restore contact. A true TLP never reveals where he goes during a lost spell.
Bugs: Yo Strick where is Champ at? he hasn't answered my texts all week.
Stricker: Don't worry about him he'll turn up the day we go to the ball game. He's one of The Lost People.
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The section of the population with which George Bush does not concern himself.
George Bush doesn't care about black people.
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The people of Yucaipa (or at least the High School) include the following:
Bros- White guys/ girl (bro hoes) who live in their Metal Mulisha, Tap Out, and DC's. Usually, they have a bad attitude, and can be jerks, but occasionally, you'll find a bro who's pretty chill. They LOVE their bikes.
Bonkers- Well, a Bonker is basically Yucaipa's term for anyone who goes to raves, wears skinny jeans, snapbacks, either smokes weed, takes ecstacy, or some other drug regularly. They dress in a VERY flamboyant manner, and they usually all hang out together. Bros and Bonkers don't normally mix, but mingling with one another occasionally isn't anything unusual. Some may be sporting humongous hair, and very nicely groomed eyebrows.
Hipsters- Yucaipa isn't really known for it's hipsters, but their is quite a few. Hipsters here are usually introverted, and not very talkative, but they generally have the best taste in fashion here in Yucaipa. Not much to say about them.
A few things about Yucaipa:
- NOT all of us are "White Trash." Yes, many us of are. But look at the Bonkers, and you'll see the exact opposite.
- There is a very low African American population here. Of course, there's some. But not alot.
- Parties here are absolutely amazing. If you know where, who's, and which party to go to. You'll have a blast.
Yeah, People of Yucaipa are pretty lame
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1. the police or jumpout boys
2. the number ten when rolling dice
person 1 "I heard them big people was comin through today."
person 2 "I'll be in the house all day".
person 1 "Bet a dollar I hit big people back to back."
person 2 "Aight"
person 1 :rolls dice: "Big People!" "Gimmie my money!"
person 2 "Shit."
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Hispanics a are people who come from a country that was historically Spaniard. They are not a race of people but a cultural mix of African, European and indigenous cultures mixed. Hispanics are very diverse but always see each other as one. Hispanics are hardworking and value family.
Did you see the Hispanic people's festival last week? There was so much dancing and colors everywhere.
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Otherwise known as jocks and cheerleaders.
A popular person is usually a douche bag because they want people to like them. (when really no one does they just want to be popular themselves). How to spot a popular person, there usually the middle/high school football team, volleyball team, ect. and usually pick on the non-popular because, it makes them "cooler". Popular peoples sworn enemies are emos, goths, and punks. (Emos are now starting to become more of a common style and more popular so i don't know if they're still sworn enemies.) Now a popular male tends to pick on the nerds because he knows he won't fight back. He is afraid to fight a punk or a goth in fear of getting his ass kicked. Now a popular female tends to flirt with the nerd and pretend to like them so the nerd will help them with homework, projects, and what not. Do not trust ANY popular person!!!!
popular people: tend to listen to softcore rock, classical rock and hates emos, goths, punks and such.
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