Pod-Star is usually used in coalition with the game Tribes Vengeance also abbreviated as T:V. In this game one is a Pod-Star when they go by the handle SoulAuctioneer and own teams like 5150.
ZOMG OMG LAWL SoulAuctioneer is such a Pod-Star!!>!
Like a stellite mall or a corner mall or mini mall.
Pod just gives more of a clustery, other worldly feel.
Like the famous line from "Bill and Teds Excellant Adventure"
"Strange things are afoot down at the Circle K"
Some of the best regional food in LA can be found at pod malls
A Fart pod is simply James Harrell.
-Man.. Stop being such a fart pod!
-That was a fart pod thing to do.
-You look like straight up fart pod today.
Any chain store like a Dollar general Walmart etc. This is a reference to pod people. (invasion of the body snatchers)
I can't believe they're building another CVS. What a pod store.stupid chains are ruining the independents.
Food, or spice used to enhance flavor in foods.
Tide pod's clean out your insides.
Hey, man. Let's post a frav YT vid about eating Tide Pods!