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Political insanity

1: The chaos associated with politics
2: A perception problem where an individual's abilities to tell what is and is not real, tell right from wrong, and control their emotions are impaired because of how an individual's views and expectations about the world around them and other people's behavior are strongly shaped by their political ideology. They tend not to respect other people's opinions.

1: There is always so much political insanity occurring during election season, because the politicians always fight over things that tend to be quite pointless to the extent where it becomes annoying.
2: Marco tends to have a big issue with political insanity. He never listens to other people's views on politics and keeps asserting that they are wrong.

by Vanguard 1998 December 16, 2020

political erectness

Political Erectness is defined as n. 1. The art or skill of using political correctness to seduce the other gender or sex,
2. The act of being aroused by politically correct behavior.

This word comes in other variants, such as politically erect.

Dude 1: Last night I acted politically erect and got some illegal immigrant puss.
Dude 2: Last night I beat up some white male cis scum and scored huge femipussy.
Dude 1: We're pretty good at political erectness! Let's go suck some sand nigger tiddies.

by Niger Tits May 24, 2017

Polite Penis

An average sized, unoffensive looking penis. He's kind, considerate, and doesn't boast about his ego.

"Tyreese isn't like the other guys, he only has a polite penis."

by Wittypoet September 24, 2018

Polite Path

An occurrence when one is in a good mood, typically just finishing a good laugh when, suddenly they happen upon an individual they are not on speaking terms with but mistakenly greats them due to their euphoria at that particular time.

Joe was having a good laugh with his team when Jeff, who upset him yesterday, came out of nowhere and was immediately caught in his polite path.

by md278 September 3, 2013

Politically torpedoed

When you are derailed from a high position based on allegations and not facts.

Hillary Clinton lost the election.. she was politically torpedoed by the Russians.

Bill O'Reilly was politically torpedoed from Fox News on unproven claims.

by NewAgeLanguage April 21, 2017

political machine

A political machine is a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses (usually campaign workers), who receive rewards for their efforts.

cant be blank political machine

by DadeCounty 101 March 9, 2016

Politic Hands

It's what a politician's hands become when they are suddenly thrust into the spotlight. It takes some serious time to polish and groom this look as they feel that keeping their hands together at chest level, whilst gesticulating, makes us citizens feel that they are more trustworthy. Behind closed doors, they're hands return to their normal function.

Damn! That candidate looks like he's the real deal! I can tell because his Politic Hands show me that he would never steer us wrong!

by carlipet October 27, 2012