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Writing a text and saving as a draft before you go out drinking. After a few shots when you feel the need to "drunk text" it's already written, all you do is hit send. Prevents one from texting the wrong person, making themself lseem like a drunk a-hole who can't spell, and talks about random shit.

"Thank God for pre-texts, remember the last time we went out and I accidentally texted my mom asking what color her undies were."

by Sabotager December 19, 2011

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The act of buying useless crap in the month of November for no apparent reason other than to waste your hard-earned money, only to realize in December that this dusty, tossed-aside item would make the perfect Christmas gift for a lackluster person at the bottom of your Christmas list.

To Self, sometime in mid-November: "why did i buy this can of Vienna sausages? I don't even like Vienna sausages! Oh well..."

To Self, late December: "Oh Crap! I forgot to buy Uncle Carl a gift! Oh hey, what's this on the shelf - a can of Vienna sausages? I think Uncle Carl likes these...thank god i thought to pre-gift!"

by gadzooks123 November 4, 2008

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v. To turn someone down before you are asked out

Isaac pre-dumped me last night. He told me he doesn't want to date me and just wants to be friends

by Sorrelstrom December 16, 2008

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Pro-life rhetoric used to generaly refer to any form of zygote, embryo or fetus. The prefix "pre" suggests that the pregnancy will be carried to term.
Used to replace un-born which carried an idea of the possiblilty of the child never being born.
Another result of the Right Wing cognative think tanks for selective language.

Abortion kills pre-born children.

by MrBobaFett February 3, 2005

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premonition that you are about to be inflicted with an illness

It's Thursday afternoon, and I'm feeling pre-sick, which means I'll be fine the rest of the work-week but stuck in bed with a cold all weekend.

by Renee in Big D September 21, 2006

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To try something again that you have failed at by travelling backwards through time and space to repeat the activity.

"Fuck, I totally failed that Physics test that old Samson gave us"

"Why don't you pre-try it then?"

"Sweet ok"

*Portal opens and Larry leaps in sending him through time and space to the start of the Physics test*

by Bertie21 July 2, 2009

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The food version of Pre-Gaming.

What you do when you are expected to attend a large dinner at an expensive restaurant celebrating something.

The act of eating a full meal before the actual dinner so that you either don't have to eat, or can order something small and inexpensive at the restaurant.

Can be used as a verb: Pre-mealing

Amber W. "yeah her birthday dinner is tonight and my bank account is in the negative..."

Amber H: "hmm I was thinking pre-meal around 6?"

Amber W: "Sounds good to me!"

by Amber & Amber September 30, 2010

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