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Cheif Queef

1.) The mythical vag blower, the leader of a tribe of alpha females, 'The one who does not fart from the butthole.' aka the queeftan (cheiftan-queef).

2.) A male who is known for emitting awkward wet farts, often titled the 'Cheif Queef', because people question his gender.

1.a 'From now on we're calling you cheif queef, because you fart like a woman'

1.b 'Legend says that the queeftan can breath fire from her vagina.'

1.c 'She thinks she's special 'cause people be movin' out of the way when she be walkin' by, crazy ass bitch calls herself the cheif queef."

2.a "I heard cheif queef over there is wearing a diaper today."

by Idonthaveanythingtodowiththis. September 11, 2013

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queef queen

when your working out with your friend & she totally queefs. aka vagina fart princess.

Maddie: did you just queef?
Brianna: Uhh..Yea
Maddie: shit, that was loud. lmao
Brianna: Its all the stretching I swear..
Maddie: Dude your a queef queen

by Hotpocketprincess March 16, 2010

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Sphincter Queef

after cumming in a girls ass she turns around and farts it on your face.

'is that my cum that just shot out of your ass and landed on my face'

'is that the reason my face has been so soft and clear lately'

'is this shit on my face or is it sphincter queef'

by big booty lezzys July 13, 2009

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Queef Hunter

a person who wears (usually unstylish) windbreaker jackers

take off that jacket, you look like such a queef hunter!

by irisclaire December 11, 2007

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somewhat like the original queef, only many times more powerful. an ultra-queef is produced while having intercourse. While a man has inserted his penis from behind into her vagina(Doggy Style), an air bubble gets stuck inside the females poon. it its hard for the male to realize this air pocket until a fart like noise comes from the pleasure zone. during a regular queef the sex continues. with an ultra-queef there is no finish line. the amount of queef is so high that it either A makes the man throw up right onto her back, or B the air is so strong it pops the love stick out of the vagina. After this happens the penis will become flaccid and crawl inside your body.

"hey man i thought you had a girl in there, why did you fart so loud? i heard it from outside!" long pause...."I wished it was me but it was a... a... an ULTRA-QUEEF"

by Dr. Mayhem September 18, 2009

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queef chief

The supreme commander and chief of queefing. Usually a whore if referring to a woman, or a fruity fag if referring to a man.

Dick: Wow. I heard kim got fucked like 54 times last night.

Abe: Yeah. And Ronald got pounded in the ass by 4 guys at once.

Dick: Frickin' queef chiefs.

by JakE September 20, 2007

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Queef Butter

The feminine juices ejected from a vagina

"I found her gym shorts practically dripping with queef butter..."

by deformeddavo January 29, 2008

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