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The TRUE final stage of boredom

guy1: man I am board oh I know I will type `1234567890-=~!@#$%^&*()_+qwertyuiop\QWERTYUIOP{}|asdfghjkl;'

guy2: man I am sorry

by cooldude1234567890- April 5, 2024


when someone is bored to death probably in class.

i'm bored lets search somthing up`1234567890-=qwertyuiop\asdfghjkl;'zxcvbnm,./.,mnbvcxz';lkjhgfdsa\poiuytrewq=-0987654321`?

by bored to death 58 May 27, 2021


All caps going Top to Down mean u are bored :)


by Someone that is smart lol bean October 17, 2022


when someone is so bored they slide their finger across the computer while holding shift.


by poopman1234 March 3, 2022


Haha its that one time when your SUPER ULTRA HYPER bored beacuse the math teacher is boring so you spam al the computer keys while holding shift.

hmm... *spams ~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?

by The first 6 keys in a keyboard April 11, 2023


the art of dying of boredom so you hold shift and run your fingers across your keyboard

i'm bored. lemme just ~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?

by uwu._.Gacha._depressed._broken March 5, 2021


You bored so you type all of the keys on your keyboard but then you noticed that your arm was on shift the whole time
so you look this up to see what you find

You: I want to make a new word in the urban dictionary but what should I do?
You: I know ~!@#$%^&*()_+QWERTYUIOP{}|ASDFGHJKL:"ZXCVBNM<>?

You: Its perfection

by Hello internet world November 17, 2021