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a kid how just wants to fit in.!DAMN IT!i hate the ppl that post things about scene kids for reals.they are all just hatin.dont denie it its true just cause they cant be scene.so scene is just a word for some one that wants to look emo but hard core emo thats the def.like for true they listen to emo and hXc pretend to be sXe just cause they think its cool and theyll pretend to be every thing as long as its cool all they want is to have a trend so stop hatin

wears everything en emo would wear but more hXc makes them look scene

by XfuckenxcuntX March 16, 2006

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the girl who walks with black highlights under her hair.

did you see ashley today? shes so scene

by littlegibby101 May 15, 2006

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WANNABE SCENE CHICKS: Girls who basically look like they fell out of a closet that hasn't been cleaned in years and just went to school as is. These chicks usually go to local shows, trying to seem hardcore, but know nothing about it. They have a septum piercing and are prone to putting pictures of themselves at "MYSPACE" angles grabbing their hair, puckering up their lips, putting their myspace profile ID number on it, putting stupid one liners, or blotting out parts of their faces via pencil on paint. These girls only started dressing this way because it was the "scene" thing to do, and aren't hXc... Nor should they even be referred to hXc.

True Scene chicks: ...You'd never know they were. They are true hXc chicks and get nasty in the pit. They don't put stupid pics of themselves on myspace and claim to be hXc. They just are. Plus, they have awesome taste in clothing. Keep it up gals.


STFU... Stupid Scene chick...

You going to the show on friday?
See ya in the pit.
Fuck yes.

by Jewmosh November 5, 2007

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scene kids are NOT EMO's in fact they despise emo's and laugh at them. They listen to death metal, hardcore, deathcore etc. They wear blue skinny jeans with tight fitting band tee's and nikes, adidas or black vans slip-ons. they usually have long straightened hair and take alot of pride in their appearance.

go to a bring me the horizon show to see loads of scene kids.

Oli Sykes is the king of scene.

by scene kid OX5 April 6, 2009

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I looked at the pictures, and soz, but the cigarette thing is totally untrue.
Actually scene kids are usually 'straight edge' - meaning they dont smoke, drink or do drugs.

Emo kid - Wanna fag?
Scene kid - No, i'm SxE (straight edge)

by grdiospnmy August 11, 2007

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Many people take the mickey out of scene's. Saying there egotistical self centered bitches who look down on everyone. There just haters. Scene's are people who arent afraid to have a laugh. And don't sit at home slitting there wrists (Emo's) Or listening to scary death metal worshiping the devil and shit (goths), They make fun of scene's but scene's are cool. There not afraid to try new things, E.g the headbands and the kids t-shirts. They dont say stupid words and even if they did, So does every other "click" So scene's are cool no matter what you say! And everyone likes to take pictures of them selves some more than others. And anyway emos take well loads of pictures, they just try and cover there faces!

David the Emo: Look thats a scene there well self centered and mean and think there better than everyone, Ergghhh

Rachel the "scene": Hi David i havent seen you in ages how are you?

David: Im okay i guess.

Rachel: Whats wrong?

Hense they have a big long converstaion ending with the "scene" helping the emo with his problems rather than showing him 1000's of pictures and talking about herself!

by lil hk December 14, 2005

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1. The whitest kids on earth with an inexplicable and poorly informed fixation on hood culture for the sake of irony. Sometimes found living in depressed urban areas, but have yet to acquire the balls to meet their neighbors. Can be seen listening to Wu-Tang Clan in their hybrid cars with the windows rolled up and the doors locked.

2. Gentrification wearing barettes.

1. The scene kids like talking about putting spinners on their Prius.

2. Gold teeth are so scene.

by FoxBat January 11, 2008

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