Someone who is considered to be above average intelligence
Someone who is very, very, VERY thin with spider legs and noodle arms.
A Slim body that looks exactly like a stick.
-Slim Stick
A boob that is so slim and perky that it stands up. Thus granting itself the ability to coil around a penis sideways. This is the only boob known to man that is capable of performing this solo-boob sideways boobjob.
Girl: "Hey, you into boob jobs?"
Guy: "Yeah! I'll only accept the real slim titty, though."
Slim Shady was killed by OZZIFLY.
'OZZIFLY' is an alter ego developed by Steven McCreanor to kill Slim Shady. Based on the principles of Hidden Number Theory, Cobain cipher, and Hutchence Hypothesis, 'OZZIFLY' was there for the taking.
OZZIFLY killed Slim Shady then vanished into the shadows to avoid notoriety.
OZZIFLY - (0221)47Y - 012
Marshall Mather III - EMINEM - Slim Shady - Hidden Number Theory - Cobain cipher - Hutchence Hypothesis
1👍 1👎
The alter ego of Emin3m or someone who is imitating Marshall Mathers.
You fuck your girlfriend while singing "The Real Slim Shady" and messing up the song multiple times in a row.
Tom, I did the Slim Shady with my girlfriend and she loved it.
Jerry, Tom what in ever living fuck is wrong with you?
Slim Shady
Kid: Mom, dad, I have something to tell you
I’m…..the real slim shady
Parents: *flabbergasted*