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Pug Sneeze

Noun: The act of ejaculating in a person's ass. The receiving person then places their anus close to the other person's face as possible and farts. The effect is very similar to when a pug sneezes in your face.

Dude, that girl from class totally pug sneezed all over me last night.

by PuggyCook February 14, 2013

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Bong asshole sneeze

When you made some great food and it makes your asshole sneeze out ouf excitement for whats to come

This food looks great , Bong asshole sneeze.

by Hamcandle January 14, 2020

sneezing fudgesicle juice

when an adult is throwing a full on tantrum, screaming, slamming things, possibly crying; akin to a tantrum expected from an infant or toddler (a tantrum in which said infant or toddler was eating a fudgesicle just prior to becoming upset, so they drool and sneeze mucous mixed with the melted fudgesicle, thus fudgesicle juice.

The woman's grocery cart barely tapped the door of his Mercedes, and the guy went nutzo... screaming, and crying so hard I thought he was gonna start sneezing fudgesicle juice.

also used preemptively...
Hey, calm down now before you start cryin' so hard you're sneezing fudgesicle juice.

by KlausXXXPro January 1, 2023

Oregon sneeze

The Oregon sneeze is when you perform anal sex and the participants sneezes and semen ejects from their nose

I was with Sara the other night and she did the Oregon sneeze

by Turbowanker9000 June 17, 2021

dracula sneeze

when u girl sucks your dick and makes it so hard she bit it off 12 times erased your mind let you think you were still getting sucked enough to get you to call her again and still say im leaving the dream when the conversation starts the first time

in italian like mix with spanish and something else voice "i fucking gave him the dracula sneeze 43 times and he call me 83 times"

by BlancoFamily January 15, 2022

Sneeze and tug

When you sneeze in your hand thenJack your man off.

I had a horrible head cold on date night so I gave my man the old sneeze and tug.

by Head cold March 7, 2021

Pelvic Sneezing

Slang term for masturbating with paper tissue.

Friend: "For once I am using paper tissue the way it was intended."

Me: "For masturbating?"

Friend: "For sneezing, not pelvic sneezing!"

by HonseIGuess July 30, 2024