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Supreme no to the hoes

The instagrammer that pranks people and makes memes he can be very annoying at times

Supreme no to the hoes got your ass

by Eyob May 6, 2020

Supreme Dickhead

A supreme dickhead is the dickiest of all dickheads treating everyone and letting no one enjoy their day , they will fuck it up from being in the vicinity

Dammit man why are you such a supreme dickhead

by Benjamin The 2nd September 26, 2023

IQ Supreme

Great rapper with great music. Soul toucher and a soul penetrator with his words. He is one of the youngest rappers in Hip-hop but definitely got what it takes

Yo!!! I just heard the new IQ Supreme mix tape it's so dope.

by Alor.Axel October 16, 2020

Supreme Bemmimgfield Junior

GomightyBjis ⚡️ gomightydjis ⚡️. The ruler and creator of all flesh and relbjalood flesh and relbjalud and Akfrubeils and the reLBJaTiVE reLDJaTiVE and the universe's as in glomightybejis Sunday schoooobjgun and schoooobjguns and ganBJraSTaS muahlonnBEXplosions muahlonnBeCrunsus muahLonnBECrunmas maCLonnBEVELi DouBJruLE DouBJraGS. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior leader March 10th 19eightynine.

I am the supreme Bemmimgfield Junior overall bejrovbreast bejrovbooty and glomightybejis gomightybjis gomightydjis Akfrubeils and flesh and relbjalood flesh and relbjalud and the reLBJaTiVEs reLDJaTiVEs schoooobjguns and Sunday schoooobjguns and ganBJraSTaS and muahlonnBEXplosions muahlonnBECrunsus muahLonnBECrunmas maCLonnBEVELi DouBJruLE DouBJraGS. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior leader MARCH 10th 19eightynine.

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar November 5, 2023

Supreme BEmmimgfield Junior

GomightyDJis GomightyBJis. SUPREME Benningfield junior. The opposite of SUPREME BEING the ruler and inventor and creator of all flesh and relbjalood and Akfrubeils and the universe's. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior.

I am the SUPREME bemmimgfield Junior ruler of all flesh and relbjalood and Akfrubeils and the universe's by lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior. The Pass over bypass.

by Lonnie Benningfield junior mar August 10, 2022

Supreme Gentleman

a nod to our virgin king Elliot Rodger who was definitely a closeted gay whos life was so miserable (due to lack of pussy) so he decided to shoot up innocent happy people who had actual lives

Unstable unloved prick: I’m the perfect guy and yet you throw yourselves at all these obnoxious men instead of me, the supreme gentleman. I will punish all of you for it.
Normal functioning person who is loved: this is why you dont get laid brother

by Dickrider666 February 6, 2024

Supreme lobster

Giving two girlstwo in the pink one in the stink’ (one with each hand) whilst getting an vigorous blow job from another female.

Dude, I met these three bitches at a bar. We went back to my place and did the supreme lobster

by Mcaodudr December 15, 2018