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Math Headache

The painful headache you get when you are working on math for too long. Usually occurs while cramming before a test, making up half a semester's worth the homework or can also occur while completing a BYU online math course.

I've been working on the BYU course now for three hours straight. What has algebra done for me besides give me a massive math headache?

by Coffee92 April 25, 2010

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Maths Teachers

A collective name for a group of people who can't teach shit. Our recent studies have found that 46.3% of people taught by maths teachers are dumb shits.

Kid 1: aren't maths teachers such dumb shits. They can't teach for their lives!

Kid 2: i know right! I don't know anything 'cause this teacher is so shit. What is 2+2? How would I know!

by US Scientist Institution February 14, 2019

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St math

A torture device were this penguin Jiji walks across the screen t posing. He is your only homie in ST math but, he doesn't wear socks so he is gay.

Teacher: Ok class lets do St math for 1 hour.

Literally every fucking student in a 20 meter radius: L E T S G A M E H O M I E S.

by thisniggayourhomie April 2, 2020

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Bad maths

This term has come from the study of fractals. To simplify, fractals and self similarity are the geometric principals that can be found throughout nature and indeed the universe as a common blueprint of growth. Things often appear aesthetically pleasing or beautiful because they are mathematically/geometrically perfect. The term 'bad maths' refers to something that is not aesthetically pleasing and out of sync with the universe.

Someone tells an awful joke and there is silence, this is 'bad maths'.

A large woman is seen in the front window of a restaurant eating alone, dribbling chicken fat down her fat fucking face 'that is bad maths'.

Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, boy gets lucky, goes home with girl, girl has penis.. the unverse is not working in an aesthetically pleasing way.. bad maths.

by The Bionic Fox November 24, 2011

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IXL math

IXL Math is a website labeled as a "game," if you click this website "thinking it's a game" you are very wrong, IXL Math is a actually a "suffering simulator" considering the repetitive annoying math questions you are asked to solve, it's crappy, pointless prizes, the the amount of hours sitting at your desk pulling your hair out, crying, having a butt ache, and having severe migraines, it's useless explanations and it's terrible point system, more than math IXL teaches you that you are useless and that you will never amount to anything in life, fun fact!: also contains adhd, ptsd, trauma, did, add, depression, anxiety, and self mental abuse and torture, and it all costs a buttload of cash every month, this website is a scam, i've already warned you, well have "fun"

IXL Math- "Practice that feels like play!"
Person 1- "Yeah right! What a joke!"

Person 2- "Bro! It's litterally been 3 hours! How long are you going to spend on your homework!?"

Person 3- "I'm not even halfway done, I'm still at 65 on IXL, and after that I have history homework, after all of this I guess I'll sleep. I'm having a severe migraine rn!

by Thatonecreepyidiot00000 March 31, 2022

Bathroom math

During a toilet sesh, needing to go number one and number two at the same go, totaling three.

Rudigger: Yo buddy, why were you in the stall so long?

Jim: Got tied up with some bathroom math.

by Just Dewar April 7, 2009

math fatigue

When you've done so much math that you lose your ability to do any more of it

I had a really hard math test today, so I have math fatigue. I can barely add or subtract

by fluffypenis September 6, 2017