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Aliens are people which are smarter than Ratty, but dumber than Nerd. They're in the middle.

Alien: 17×3=51.

Nerd: Do you know calculus and physics?

Alien: I'm kicking your ass.

Nerd: Ahh! Run away!

Ratty: Must get swole!

Ratty: 2+2=
Ratty: *brain static.

Ratty: 5. Need wilk!

Ratty: *lift weights.

Alien: Lift weights and studies in spare time.

Alien: *Secretly uses Modafinil to get ahead in brain stuff.

Alien: *Modafinil wears off.

Alien: *Lifts weights.

Alien: I'm buff.

Ratty: I'm swole.

Nerd: *Crap! Better get ripped.

Nerd: Lifts weights. *Struggling.
Nerd: Crap! I need SARMs!

Nerd: *Getting stronger.

Ratty: *Uses Ritalin for brain stuff.

Ratty: 2+2=4. Time to get Milk.

by CynderFanclub March 29, 2024


A being from another planet that totally laugh at are falling species.

“I watched a documentary about aliens and they warned us not to use nuclear weapons a long Time ago

*WWll still happening*

*the Cold War still happening*

by 20Avart07 November 22, 2021


aliens totally exist living in their planets and space.

will-“Have you seen thoes aliens dawg?”
scotty-“yuh no cap on god brah no kizzy

by admin of interplanetary travel January 13, 2022


I guess, yeah... I hadn't though about that before... Why would they NOT look like people?

Hym "Well, yeah... I guess that makes sense, I mean... Yeah... When we think of aliens we think little green men or tall slender greys but yeah, why wouldn't they just look like people? I mean, they would BE people but I mean, like, they would just look human. Bipedal primate-derived humanoids. If you need a planet that is LIKE EARTH... For life to occur... And Primates evolve to develop sentience.... Why would Aliens... Not just look like humans. So yeah... This is a rejoinder to my other thing. If aliens exist, they are either stuck on their planet (like we are) OR they are already here because they don't use rocket propulsion (because that would be retarded and it takes to long to get anywhere) AND they look like people. They just ARE here. Probably trying to hoard all the women and resources for themselves because if we're all racist and morally incoherent why would they not also be that. They probably have some kind of deluded family unit worshipping breeding cult of their own and/or fed us one for free labor. They might even be a hivemind. Which is why our social structure is retarded. They would be trying to model our society after their society and we are not eachother. But, yeah, good point YouTube algorithm. I hadn't though of that."

by Hym Iam December 31, 2024


Heyheyhey, Do YOU guys go off?

Hym "Yeah, do YOU go off? Do YOU know what happens? I mean... At this point, you'd better hope it's not me. I mean... Right? Sorry Aliens. Not super thrilled with whatever did this."

by Hym Iam July 19, 2023




by ayliyen May 4, 2022


something that is *not* human nor god(s)

once in a comic book aliens were defeated by a group of superheroes despite not being evil

by nonekopopo February 17, 2023