When you write a poem that literarly becomes a part of you. An molds to a aspect of your character in whole.
These s.l. Are forever a paper incision that cuts deeper than a knife, but after they’re written tend to always save my life.
Canadians only by citizenship. They may qualify by one or all of the following:
-does not vote or participate in the democratic process (doesn't vote)
-culturally non-Canadian
-writes, speaks and behaves as if they were American
-cannot distinguish any of Canada's history or attributes
Those guys over there have no connection or loyalty to Canada, they're just Canadians by citizenship, indeed they are paper Canadians.
An academic paper with a large number of authors (because physics experiments often have a huge number of collaborators from many institutions).
If we collaborate with anyone else, this is going to turn into a physics paper!
Another workd for toilet paper.
Used to clean your batty crease after the toilet
Jheeze I forgot to get some "batty paper" from the shop
Someone who eats paper to build strong leg muscles.
Jaime: I'm so hungry and my legs are feeling weak.
Nicole: Why don't you become a paper muncher.
Paper Dick, Paper Dick is a game played around a table using a paper ball, the players are trying to keep the paper ball from hitting the ground.
"Let's play some Paper Dick!"
Robbie is sh*t at playing Paper Dick"
A pile of bills, paperwork, etc. that has been ignored for too long. Notionally, a paper blob resembles a space monster that threatens to take over the house.
I can't go clubbing tonight. I gotta do battle with the paper blob.