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Vincent is the weirdest guy you will ever meet. He has a weird but amazing sense of fashion and have a little feminine side to him. Vincent might struggle a lot in life and has horrible luck that will end up creating crazy stories. Vincent is definitely the teacher’s pet and is a trustful student. He has sharp but soft and cute features that resembles a kitten. He might be rlly tall or just really short but he’s definitely a skinny one. He usually has black hair with blue or green eyes with a touch of insomnia under them.

“Vincent, is that him? He definitely looks like a dead body to me!”
“That’s why he’s hot”
“You’re Crazy

by Nekoganekone February 13, 2022


He's got the fattest schlong ever. I'm talking the girth of two of Hulk's thick arms like fr tho, someone could rodeo bull that shit and fall off.

Vincent gets mad bitches on the daily.

by #Vincent4lifebro November 23, 2021


Nickname for people who are named "Penguin" but are too afraid to say it. If someone you meet introduces themselves as Vincent, PLEASE call them penguin. That's everything they want.

"Hello, My name is Vincent"
"Oh, Hello Penguin!"
"Omg you knew my secret, i love you now"

by VincentWantsToBeCalledPenguin December 2, 2019


Vincent or better known for their scientific term "faggot" are known for their sly jew like antics. Known to live in caves, dungeons and under bridges, they only come out from their hobbles to eat. How does one spot a Vincent? Simply look out for a greasy wog fella wearing too much gel and sporting a Minecraft creeper hoodie. A Vincent or faggot has only one prized possession, and that is their extensive collection of scat porn. If one was to touch or question his collection a Vincent may freak out in a monkey like manner (ie taking a shit and throwing it at you). Once a Vincent tried to rape a woman, turns out that woman was a man... Vincent now cannot sit on chairs and has to have therapy three times a week.

Nighty night sleep tight don't let the Vincent's bite!

by Jo,694200 February 15, 2024


Wishes to be everyone's favorite Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Astronaut, Plumber, YouTuber, Shout Out Specialist!!

Still a bitch tho ngl

Boy: Look it's Vincent!
Man: I feel horny
Also Man: Still a bitch tho

by November 3, 2023


Wishes to be everyone's favorite Doctor, Lawyer, Teacher, Astronaut, Plumber, YouTuber, Shout Out Specialist!!

Man: Is that Vincent?
Man 2: Yea what about it?
Man: Dude is making me HORNY!!

by November 3, 2023


I'm Vincent the Vincent of Vincent land and I challenge all Vincent's to a duel at *location* (Myrtle Beach South Carolina) 9th avenue South at the beach access at 11:59 a.m. on June 14th 2025 the last Vincent standing gets to keep the title of Vincent and the rest of the Vincent's must rename themselves Gerald bringeth ye defenses and offenses of good quality May the best Vincent win

the one true man named Vincent


V is for victory
I is for intelligence
N is for nobility
C is for caring
E is for energetic
N is for nurturing
T is for trustworthy

by Woody crazy Cody July 30, 2023