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Also known as Lord, The All Mighty, etc. Really unique and loving girl. Really wholesome and genuine. Usually puts you in a great mood from just being near her. Will ask to hold your hand when walking. Has an extensive vocabulary of murps. Super attractive. Usually has light colored hair with a cool unique haircut. Is really easy to talk to about emotions. Can tear shit up on the flute. Cutest person in the world and the best girlfriend a guy could ask for.

Bro did you catch Claire shredding in the flute the other day?

by Rrhyme November 6, 2017


Claire is sweet and polite person, who never ceases to bring joy and happiness into everyone's lives. she never passes up on the opportunity to be kind, and is indeed... ONE OF THE HOMIES. she will vibe with you or tilt with you when clicking heads in val. sure, you may never hear her say a word but she'll still make your day so much brighter. if you ever meet a Claire, dont be afraid, they're very vibey. also in the words of another definition they've "nice asses". Claire is a very poggies cosplayer who can pretty much rock any cosplay, and thighs? unparalleled no cappa. Claire will call you daddy for the memes and will pretty much have your back for when you need it. in terms of susness? they are very sussy bakas that are down astronomical. Claires are diamonds in the rough so dont lose them yah fucking donkeys.

1: damn that girl is super chill
2: thats claire for you

by The Kwongdong January 2, 2022


Claire is a fun kind person who is lots of fun. She with help you if you need it. But be careful you don't want to get on her bad side. If you stay on her good side she will treat you so well. She is beautiful and will make a great girlfriend. She will have all the boys following her. She will be friends with everyone.

Boy #1:" Wow look at claire she is so pretty"
Girl #1: " Hey you better watch what you say about my BFF"
Boy #2: "and plus she mine!!!!"
Girl #2: " EWWWW you are gross bye. I am going to hang out with her."

by Glitter 541 <3 April 16, 2021

1👍 1👎


A girl/woman who is typically geeky but cute. Usually Asian and are petite. They are smart, funny, talented, and beautiful all around. Someone you would like to have in your life

Omg its Clarie!!
You know when a Claire walks in the room.

by LegacyJillax September 28, 2018


Directly, She is the love of my life. If you read this one day, "do not be rude about it." you will always have a place in my heart. I'm sorry! Genuinely, good luck. :) smiling is for both of you.

Claire being upset. Claire: What's your point?

Me: show me your point if you have a point.

Claire: laughs.

by Youssefisimhotep July 31, 2021


She's a thot. Thick n grippy Claire Douglas has no chill. She fancies a guy called Michael Mccarthur, otherwise known as lil roll.

"Claire is mine"

by Hahalala43 December 12, 2021


full of cancer,if you see her run away as fast as you can. Jks she is a nice person and she sucks at uno because a person named Madnoor defeated her four times in a row

Claire you idiot

by Claire died February 26, 2023