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Get flipped

Fuck a girl that implies she wants sex,flip her on her stomach and give it to her

If ashley keep fucking with those dudes,she gonna get flipped

by kasaun January 29, 2009

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Flipping a Bitch

A term used when performing an illegal U-turn in traffic, to avoid worse traffic on the road ahead. Often it is preformed in a motor vehicle, but in some rare cases a street bike has been seen performing this maneuver. This term is often used among close friends, and is not recommended when describing events to a judge, traffic court, or law enforcement members respectively.

Derrek Jerome: "Ah FUCK! The traffic up ahead fucking sucks! I'm going to be late for fucking work, hang on I'm Flipping a Bitch!"

by Taylor Mitchell October 22, 2007

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Kandi Flipping

Combining acid and ecstasy (MDMA) for a wild trip/ roll. Can be accomplished with any tab, sugar cube or drop of acid & any make of E pill or molly. Causes one to not only see psychedelic designs, but also want suck on a binky and cuddle.

I'm thinking about kandi flipping tonight, but I'm worried my pupils might get so big that they'll explode.

by OrangePuma June 17, 2009

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Cheetah flips

1. The act of pulling ones head out of his/hers ass and getting the shit done.

2. The definition of what it takes for Congress to pass a law.

3. What your ass better be doing when something needs to be done not now but fifteen minutes ago.

4. What it must have taken for Hollywood to approve the sequels to Final Destination since they were absolutely pathetic.

Frank: "Did you get that damn article wrote yet Ben?"
Ben: "Uh, no boss; I forgot."
Frank: "Well your ass better start knocking out some cheetah flips and get it the fuck done."
Ben: "Sure boss. Would you like more biscuits while I'm at it?"

by Bickel101 October 14, 2009

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1) Something politicians or political groups do. They agree with something then later disagree with it, then later agree with it again an unspecified amount of times.

2) Something members of the opposite sex do. They flirt with you then ignore you, as if they are flip-flopping about whether they like you or not.

1) The Greens are often flip-flopping on many issues, eg illegal drugs. They said they would legalise them, now they say they will not.

2) "Man, that guy is a flip-flopper of the highest degree. He asked me out on Friday and on Monday he told me he was getting back with his ex."

by choochoobear April 3, 2006

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twilight flip

consuming LSD, MDMA, and mushrooms at the same time.

We twilight flipped the other night. I haven't slept in three days.

by klumdumpster July 23, 2009

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chick flip

A book whose main audience is a bunch of romantically idealistic women. Derived from the popular term chick flick.

GUY: Uhh, no. I'd rather not waste my time on chick flip bullshit.

by SEAN DOMSKI August 6, 2009

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