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Pony Nation

The community of Ford Mustang owners anywhere. Derived from their alias ponycar.

Joe and Billy finally got their Stangs, let's go welcome them to the Pony Nation.

by JoeGo November 27, 2009

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the pony plug

When you take a My Little Pony figurine and shove it up your ass while your girl is giving head

Hey man me and my girl did the pony plug last night. It rocked.

by Hshdjfjskagf January 30, 2016

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feed the pony

lesbian sex

Sally feeds the pony

by Chopster December 15, 2002

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pet the pony

an expression used to euphemistically describe sexual activity-- of any sort

when a guy says it to a girl, it's meant to sound cute, sweet and boyishly charming--and when he uses the term in front of his guy friends it means he really likes the gal he's discussing and won't even use crass talk about sex with her

girls don't use the term with each other except jokingly, as if were so stuuupid to say that, but whatever, it's cute, and they know if a guy's using it he's at least trying to be suave

"hey c'mon Tymara, can't we pleese just go an pet the pony fos a leetle while? pleese? the pony been alone today, he miss you sooooo bad..."

"Yeah bro, we ates sum her mama's kickin chickin, an den we wenna her room to pet the pony, youz knows how it be... s'all good wit Janilla, yeaah, uh-uh. Got you a five spot on ya? I needs smokes and a Dew hella bad, man."

by galcoolest March 18, 2005

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Pink Pony

Homo with a 12" cock

That fairy be so pink pony it's ill!

by Anonymous May 8, 2003

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Pony Boy

Pony Boy's are recent occurence and are positioned midway between trendys and townies as they share some parts of both and can mix easily with both groups.

Pony Boy's look exactly the same as male trendys but are different as they are often not intelligent, decent or friendly. They are sports obsessed, sex obsessed to the point of being manwhores and enagage in male bonding activities (such as teabagging and mass nude showers) that can often cause closet homosexuality.

Pony Boy's are often the mature form of a chav, a corrupted trendy or a more fashion concious townie

To put it simply, pony boys can be excessively vain and act like twats yet still attract trendy girls better than any townies.

Person 1: Look at him! He shoved his arse in my face the other day. How can he get such a hot girlfriend?
Person 2: That's pony boy's for you.

by mrtruth May 26, 2008

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Comb the Pony

Brushing back or "combing" pubic hair in a way that will reveal the underparts for pleasure reciprocation. Most commonly seen in gorilla vag but uniquely seen in kong balls.

My girlfriend had to "comb the pony" last night or I would have chocked giving her fellatio

by Dr. Philsgood January 28, 2010

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