A culture that only exists in the spirit realm or another dimension, but not necessarily in the mortal world.
'Before the Greek gods called themselves Olympians, in ancient Greek times, they called themselves Etherians, because they were so ethereal and descended from the upper-air, Aether. Etherian was a spirit culture, because it didn't exist in the mortal world, but only in the gods' realm.'
Spirit Killing a person that takes everything good from a person soul.
Spirit killing was his name
A nontraditional marriage where there is no legal binding to the two (or sometimes more) in there marriage. It can be by choice
"My ex husband are just "married in spirit" so we don't have to go through with all the ceremony and legal stuff.
A feeling one might feel when one says, "Oh shit".
It's a really nice day for the old shit spirit.
A homesexual relationship between the soccer team of mount de sales and straight, thick, chunky gorrilla shit.
The spirit of Ubuntu got their ass handed to them by stratford soccer.
Where people stand opposite each other forming a "person tunnel" cheering someone on.
We made a spirit runner for my sister Melissa as she was going into surgery.