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5 year olds

Goblins who want everything and anything for free most of them are spoiled brats like the owner of this website and throws fits of rage because he can't buy icecream that causes 200 dollars and says you ruined my life

Or an alternative Dead because no one vaccinates there crotch goblins

Parent 1: Ughhh I hate my 5 year olds

Parent 2: At least its better than Cardi B Music

by 6th Grader Teacher April 7, 2020

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New Year's Fap

The act of masturbating seconds before the new year, and ejaculating right as the clock strikes twelve, starting the new year off perfectly.

Bob: "Dude, the new year is in 5 minutes."

Joe: "Get the tissues". "It's time for the New Year's fap."

by inconspicuous January 1, 2014

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The 2 year rule

Rule: A partner (usually boy) may have a relationship with another partner (usually girl) as long as the other partner (girl) is 2 years
or less younger. May not always apply to those 18 and older

If I'm 16, the 2 year rule allows me to date some one of at least 14 years old

by juanrave13 January 4, 2015

89 years old

An age at which the head doctor definitely cannot be

I know I sound like a broken record, but... 89 years old?

by Mamezuku "89 years old?!" Rai May 13, 2019

5๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

There's always next year

The Cleveland Browns Fan Motto. Typically used in abundance after week three.

Guy 1: Dude, did you see the Browns get beat by the Buccaneers?

Browns fan: Yep, there's always next year.

by Brownsfan4life February 12, 2012

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New Year's Day

The day that people realize that all the drinking and partying they did the night prior to (as in New Year's Eve) was worthless, because, in reality, it means nothing. The day of New Year's Eve is exactly the same as New Year's Day. It is also often used for people living crap lives to say all the things they are going to do "this new year", none of which they really will do, that end up being almost identical to last year's.
The only true difference between New Year's Day and the day of New Year's Eve, is that when writing the date, you must change one, or more (depending on what year it changed to) digits in the year category. When in school this becomes a nuisance when teachers deduct points due to writing the wrong date.

Before New Year's Day: "Dude I can't wait for New Year's, but for now, let's just get shit-faced!"

On New Year's Day: "Today is just like yesterday, except it's four degrees colder, and my head hurts like a bitch."

by Stevo-K December 31, 2009

103๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

1000 Years of Pain

When you kneel down behind someone, make a gun with both of your middle and index fingers, and then shove them as hard as you can up the persons ass.

I made Ari Holsten cry when I kneeled down behind him and gave him 1000 years of pain.

by Ode Kesef April 1, 2009

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