Firmly grabbing a female/males teats and giving them a firm yet sensual tug.
“Damn those MILFS tits are huge! Def could get a good teat tugging tonight.”
A sexual gratification maneuver performed on the male sex organ (penis) typically by a person of the opposite sex using their hands, while both parties are hidden behind a dumpster and out of site for privacy reasons. Typically performed outside of bars, taverns and other places where alcohol is served. Also known as a Dumpster Job, Quick Dumpster Wristy, and Dumpster Old Fashion
He flirted with all the ladies at the bar and bought them multiple drinks in hopes of at least getting a dumpster tug before the night was over
The act of masturbating while simultaneously driving a car.
Jim was horny and stuck in traffic so he started tire tugging while the driver in the adjacent lane looked in disgust.
I just heard someone on a British TV say this
It was Rob who decided to pull over and give him a tug
Tube tugging- a holiday festivity in which two men, both erect, stuff the same tube down their urethra. On the count of three, both men clench, violently flexing their pelvic muscles, and pull in opposite directions. Upon the event that the tube is jarred free or one man is three feet removed from his starting position, the opposing man wins. The loser then gets down into the fetal position, and the winner is free to release his urinary secretions on him, displaying his dominance. Any audience members are also free to release on the losing man, as losing a game of tube tug is meant to be quite humiliating.
“I could really go for a good old fashion game of tube tugging right now”
Using feces as a lube for masturbation.
When he ran out of spit Larry knew he might have to resort to a muddy tug to finish pumping one off.
Totally pointless , way to get out a conversation see example. SHOW STOPPER
Donald : "Coming to milk my cows?"