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urban dictionary

A culmination of ignorance under the guise of a slang dictionary, with the rare intelligent definition lost amidst a sea of nonsense. Not to be taken seriously, though good for a cheap laugh on occasion.

1) Optimist: "Why don't you have any faith in mankind?"
Pessimist: "Because I visited Urban Dictionary..."

2) "I feel like self-victimizing some lifestyle/religion/etc., because the Media hasn't done it enough yet. I should go to Urban Dictionary!"

3) The student failed his essay because he took Urban Dictionary as a serious reference.

4) The child laughed as he posted another absurd definition for something he knew nothing about on Urban Dictionary.

5) The original creators of Urban Dictionary wept as their user-driven slang dictionary decayed into nothing more than a tragic joke.

by SpacePirateKhan April 9, 2008

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Urban Hypocrisy

The propensity that Urban Dictonary has to accept words that are inside jokes and definitons naming non-celebrities, despite stating that jokes that display these aforementioned qualities will be rejected. For example; search the name Eric and click on any name that comes up. It is likely that the defintion will be of a non-celebrity and will contain numerous inside jokes.

Urban Dictionary says they reject inside jokes and definitons naming non-celebrities. But when I look at a random word, its usally an inside joke or a non celebrity! They should change the name of the site to Urban Hypocrisy!!!

by beastmode11 December 2, 2010

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Urban Owl

People in the City/School/Work who are laid back and like to observe things. An Indie term used to describe cool people.

Sally knows everything about the scene. Hence she is named the urban owl of her friends.

by cantastic August 30, 2010

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Urban dictionary


urban dictionary
A place formerly used to find out about slang, and now a place that teens with no life use as a burn book to whine about celebrities, their friends, etc., let out their sexual frustrations, show off their racist/sexist/homophobic/anti-(insert religion here) opinions, troll, and babble about things they know nothing about.

Urban dictionary twats

by Darrel big dick March 4, 2017

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Urban Dictionary

Believe it or not, a site that seems to be gradually becoming a large, digital, opinionated, and fairly accurate history book.

Also, a site that's been used far more often to advance individual political and/or religious ideologies than to inform, although this site WAS intended to define social jargon/slang.

Even worse, some define here just to be complete idiots.

1.) A definition of George W. Bush may seem irrelevant to some history-deprived browser twenty years from now.

2.) I'm an agnostic atheist, but I wouldn't promote that and impose it on people online.

3.) I don't even want to talk about this.

Urban Dictionary

by I'm just a freak October 9, 2012

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urban dictionary

That’s the website’s name, how do you not even know this ._.

Person 1: Have you heard of urban dictionary? It’s informative yet funny!

Person 2: What in the world, man. I don’t even know you.

Person 1: Because I’m an ad!

by WhoHatesHandlesThatAlreadyUsed February 13, 2021

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Urban Bevk

He is Urban Bevk. He is sooo Bevk.
Bevk is he.
You must be Bevk?
In Slowene: Kva stojiΕ‘ k Bevk? Zakva si pocen k Bevk?
Dej Bevk no.

Unknown: Ej! Urban Bevk. A greΕ‘ na joint?
Bevk: a? ne ne ne ne .

by with love January 10, 2008

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