Source Code

World Cup

An event in which a United States victory would signal the apocolypse. Would also be the end of football in Europe as we know it.

You thought the tsunami in Indonesia was intense. Just wait until the United States win the World Cup. Then you'll see some crazy shit.

by TheWandom June 6, 2006

531๐Ÿ‘ 392๐Ÿ‘Ž

my world

a very boring, pointless place.

my life.....

by david February 18, 2004

65๐Ÿ‘ 40๐Ÿ‘Ž

Wally World


Jon: Did you buy the toilet paper yet?

Dave: No, I still haven't been to Wally World

by Makeincubus August 22, 2010

22๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž

Disney World

The greatest place on earth. =P Often used to describe a great memory two or more people shared. Could be anything from "hugging" to "tap dancing", depends upon what is enjoyable to you. Most of the time it is used when you wanna tell people you did something fun but it's hard to explain why it was fun and you're too lazy to give all the disney world.

Friend: "Hey man, me and my girlfriend went to Disney world last night:)"
Man: "I thought you said you watched tv and ate popcorn?"
Friend: "We did, but I enjoyed it more than normal cause I had her there with me."
Man: "I see"

by El Immigrante March 24, 2005

391๐Ÿ‘ 287๐Ÿ‘Ž

World of Warcraft

World of warcraft is a good game but is very dangerous to your life. A game that will consume your life to no end. It will also, take away your family, and everything that you used to love in your life. You would rather stay at home sat,urday night raiding BlackWing Lair then go out with, your friends to smoke a bowl and get drunk as hell.

DON'T EVER BUY IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

World of Warcraft is a very addicting game. It has the shaman class, the paladin class, the hunter class and the rogue class+much more.

Hey Jimmy, You commin' to ted's party 2nite? He got a hold of some of the best weed around. We're totally gonna get baked as hell.

Naw, I gotta help my guild down C'thun tonight on World of Warcraft, It's our first try tonight.

Fuck you man ever since you got that game It's been consuming your life, I fucking hate you and also, Ashley told me to tell you she dumped you becuase you blew her off and you were supposed to have hawt sex with her.

Oh well, I met this new chick on WoW, she probably isn't hawt but OMG she has a hunter with 5/8 Dragon stalkers and 3/8 Giant stalkers with both twin blades of hakkari with double +15 to agi enchants and Rhok'Delar.

I don't understand a fucking word you say now'a'days, get off your fucking lazy ass and come party with us.

by ownzer man July 4, 2006

159๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž

world of warcraft

the most diabolically addictive game ever conceived
crack in the form of a CD disc

world of warcraft requires a 5-year rehabilitation program to get rid of your addiction

much different to runescape, wold of warcraft is actually good

by uzo9 May 12, 2008

24๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Woman of the World

That one girl at every party, bar, workplace, school, etc. that everyone stares at while she walks by because of her beauty.

Every guy is afraid to approach her because of her amazing looks, and the fear of insant rejection; But every once in a while a brave man will approach her, but be warned you should be a master of flirting if you even want 5 seonds with her.

Some common traits of a woman of the world is always in the lastest high brand fashions, a love for sunglasses, a love for any type of accent, and usually a gay friend; But these traits may differ girl to girl

*A woman of the world walks by*
Tony: Oh god dude look at that girl!
Paul: That ain't no girl dude. That's a woman ....... a woman of the world
Tony: Dude I'm going up to talk to her
Paul: Dude wait no! you better be really charming!

by Bobby Q D July 14, 2011

24๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž