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Back pocket

A term used in football to regard a defender easily tacking the attacker

We played a game of football today. There striker was shit, he was in my back pocket all game

by UgandaSonic January 9, 2018

Back Pocket

The agonizing place a Codenames clue ends up when a Spymaster doesn't have the basic skill of relating words so it can be used on the next turn.

WTF is that Jenette? That's going straight into the Back Pocket!

by pigeon nose January 28, 2022


A back-olien is meant to describe someone with a large butt. A butt so large and juicy you could jump on it like a trampoline. Bouncing up and down on the massive dumper.

That girls got a back-olien!

by Trump’s Dump May 21, 2024

Back-door Bob

A Back-Door Bob is one who prefers to utilize the anal passage over any other orifice. The term is not gender specific.

Tony - 'He proper loves loves putting things up his arse, man'

Terry - 'Aye, he's a proper Back-Door Bob like'

by nickle69 June 11, 2013

The Clap Back

The moment while running naked and your thighs collide and adhere to one another. This feels like the world's strongest velcro bringing your nude stride to an abrupt stop.

This is a collision that causes thunder, friction, chaos, and disorientation. This collision will make it seem like your thighs have started a civil war in am attempt to assassinate you with "Death By Stairs".

I have reached a new level of fat. I was running up the stairs with no clothes on. My thighs caught each other and almost tripped me. It wasn't a clap, the bitches straight tried to murder me. It was "The Clap Back"!

by BigAlUnicornPrincess May 18, 2021

heavy, throw it back!

when someone needs a grenade thrown.

GRENADE! Heavy, throw it back!

by That0neperson May 29, 2023

It's back to carpets for you.

The famous line Top Gear presenter James May said against Saudi Arabians.

Jeremy: So if you're watching this in Saudi Arabia, *wheeze*

James: It's back to carpets for you.

by randombeans June 11, 2022